That one would lay a false claim to the monarchy in this country is a discussion for some other time. Let's stick to the act itself:
Vandalizing Amman Little League Association's complex is downright disgusting. You live in this country. Please don't bring more filth into it. ALLA offers sports for kids (and now adults) at very reasonable prices. Please don't bring your filth into its grounds. Khaled, the ALLA guard, does not get paid to clean up after you. Please don't bring your filth to him.
I have a recommendation: Get that cleaned up and looking like it was never there.
1 comment:
Yikes!! I checked with Um Marshall, it was from the ALLA all Stars game. It's mud and water, not paint, and we will make sure it is cleaned up Friday.
VERY sorry. May the tarnished Stars resume their shine, even if not on the scoreboard.
I am now the official Stars blogger liason. We would like the big field to practice Tuesday from 5:30-7:30.
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