Friday, August 17, 2007

The Traitors: 2007 ASL Summer Champions

A perfect picture: The undefeated champs.

After steamrolling through the regular season and the first two rounds of the playoffs, the Traitors met the Nomads. Instead of extending their hand in friendship, the Nomads reared back and punched the Traitors in the face. The score going into the bottom of the third inning: Nomads 19, Traitors 1.

Nomads nineteen, Traitors one.

Everyone on the Nomads was hitting and scoring, especially Shukri Saleh, this season's Home Run King. He launched two home runs (way out), giving him three for the day and six for the season.

The Gatoradin' Traitors then got their act together, shutting down the Nomads offense and chipping away at the lead, inning by inning. 19-1 became 19-7, then 19-16, 19-17...and 19-19 after the regulation six innings.

Let's play an extra inning. The Nomads got back on their fightin' horses and scored three more runs in the 7th. 22-19, Nomads. The Traitors had one more shot to complete their undefeated season.

Four runs were needed to win, and four runs they got. Final score: Traitors 23, Nomads 22.

Congratulations to all the players on both teams for the most memorable game in our four-season history. And to everyone who played and came out to watch in support of Amman Softball League--and to Amman Little League Association--a big thank you from me.

Much more on the playoffs and the 2007 Summer season in the next two days months years [Seriously, WTF!?]. We're also going to tip our hats to Brent Faulkner and Dick Hart, who got this whole thing started back in 2005. Come on back. For now, give it up for your 2007 Summer Champs...The Traitors.

Here's a quick rundown of the Tournament results:
Round 1:
Slackers 13, Sluggos 11
Eagles 20, Bling Bling 6
Nomads 23, Beats 6
Traitors "1", Stars 0
Traitors 13, Slackers 6
Nomads 17, Eagles 16 (thrilling game)
Traitors 23, Nomads 22 (7 Innings)