This wasn’t the game anyone thought it would be. After an inning-and-a-half, the score was tied at one. One Traitor was then heard saying, “We’ve got ourselves a game.” But another Traitor dug deep into the Rules of Softball and discovered that the object of the game is to score runs while preventing the other team from doing the same.

Close game early: Ali Lejlic nails Ash Samawi at home.
And so an eight-run 2nd inning, followed by six in the 3rd (with nothing much in between for the Sluggos) was pretty much all it took for the Traitors to snap up an unexpectedly easy win. With it, the Gatorades took early control of the Long Division.
Swing-and-a-miss: Orrince's hat is cool.
Oh yeah, the call. Prior to the game, the ump (Note: ‘twas I) gave pre-game instructions to the pitchers and captains of both teams. He told them to yell and scream all they wanted, to ridicule the ump as they saw fit, and not to hold back their emotions. The only line in the sand was to not interfere with calls made by the umps. Just don’t make calls, not from the dugout, defense or base coaches. Those calls will be overturned and will go against you for interfering.
Wouldn’t you know, in the bottom of the 4th, your Uncle Mude found himself leaning against Dante’s Furnace. Brooke Sartawi (Note: my wife) failed to get back to first in time and was doubled up on a fly ball. That should have been the third out of the inning, but someone (I’m not saying it was Orrince) yelled “Out!” from the Sluggos dugout before the base ump could make the call.
Not even close: Brooke Sartawi would have been out at first.
Why me? Anyway, the inning went on. (But it would’ve been nice had the Traitors been good sports and just given up an easy out.) The three runs the Traitors put up in that inning had no effect on the game, as the Sluggos themselves stated. Later that night, however, I could hear a bunch of guys at a poker game insulting every member of my family, in vivid detail, from clear across town. Guys, leave my maternal great-great-uncle out of this, eh? The only thing he associated with “soft ball” was labaneh.
After the game, but before the Mude Haters Poker Club convened, I witnessed an event that changed me forever. Sluggo Orrince fed his baby daughter a jalapeno. She cried and cried. He laughed and laughed. Why would he do this to his own adorable baby? Because he can. I will never cross him again.
On a lighter note, here's Kevin Rowlson, taking his punishment like a,

BIG EZ How could u win your last name aganist the sluggos game? I know lets not put our dugout in until we secure the win. What’s up with that guys come one?
They went in in the 3rd inning so I don't know why you are all over EZ.
Foo Foo they went in after you had a lead of 16-1.Bascialy after you secured the win Foo Foo lets see how you will do against the slackers. We will always cheer for you guys.
Foo the new look; will you be my Prom date??
anything for you Don....but you need to put a gag in Wazabi's mouth or cut off his finger...his stuff is getting old...Apparently the Slackers are a role model of "how to play softball" and I should study up.
Point to Foo Foo.
Dear Foo Foo, we're definitely a role model when it comes to team play. I assure you, that you as a team captain of the TRAITORS you need to take notes, when it comes to team play. Your dugout only played in the 4th inning! I am sure if the game was close or you're playing against the Slackers, we would still see them in the dugout. As you're our role model for a softball icon in this league, I thought it was good to point it out, because I am sure it was an unintentional mistake. Of course everyone knows this mistake occurred because you were too much under stress for trying hard to impressing us "The Slackers", for considering recruiting you next season. As you've tried hard this season to join us, but you were not up to par with the rest of the "Slackers". Keep up the good work, and we might consider your application next season.
As I said they played half the game...see the picture?
Looks to me like half..I cant wait to see the application...
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