The rest of the game was brutal, and I'm not just talking about the score. The Nomads topped the Beats to set up a showdown for league supremacy against the undefeated Traitors next Friday, but the real story was the injury suffered by the Beats' Alberto Santiago.
On a single to right field, Alberto had just passed first base when the laser of a throw came in. Alberto wasn't aware of the throw, which was rather unusual for an outfield single, and it met his mouth. The sound of the impact was sickening, and the scene afterward was a bloody mess.

The good news is that our crack archaeologists found the tooth in the sand and Alberto had it put right back in (Note: Not at the field). A few stitches in his lip, and he'll be back on the field in no time, donning his Yankees cap and giving his opponents hell. And in his honor, the Beats put up an impressive six runs in the final inning.
The right-fielder who threw the ball, known here only as Li'l Massarweh, had his name sent by the US Embassy to Homeland Security. He is now atop the Most Wanted Terrorists list. Good luck getting back to school in the States.
Be careful out there, Sloggers. It's a mad. mad world.
Glad to hear Alberto is fine!
Mr. Sanitago and the Beats,
Hope everything turned out ok. Wish you a fast recovery and hopefully to see you on the field this Friday.
Omar Massarweh (Captain of the Nomads II)
Classy move by you and your Nomads Massarweh. I know ya'll had it in you.
Sure is gonna be fun and intense on Friday--just the way we like it.
I sense a sort of insecurity there with captain nomad...
Ash (non-captain of the Traitors!!!)
No insecurity my friend, just being polite. Hopefully worse wont happen to your traitors come this Friday. I'd watch out if I were you.... WOuld hate for a Nomad to take a hard swing and the bat slipping and being catapulted at your pitcher.... Hope you have a backup plan... and good insurance.
As the one responsible for Mr. Santiago's unfortunate injury, i'd just like to apologize to him and hope this incident doesnt put him off playing this week.
I've already made my quick escape to the united states, so fortunately for the Traitors, i will not be on the field this friday to cause any more accidents. However, i am confidant that the rest of my fellow Nomads and Nomaditas will prevail nonetheless.
laith massarweh (brother of Captain of the Nomads II)
MUDE and freinds. It's Charlie from back when it all started. Hope you guys are having a great time out there. I'm glad to see that you guys have made this league so successfull. Great job guys.
this is a rather random question, but related as well... are there any softball teams for women? I'd love to play softball as well on the weekends but i don't know many other expats or females who want to play, so if anyone has any info can you write it? Thanks!
Maha, Every Team has some female players, and if you want you can join our team (Bling Bling), we are lacking female players due to travelling/injury of some of our female players. check out this link
You can join the Traitors too they need all the help they can get...
Omar. Captain of the Nomads II
What kind of flowers you prefer Massarweh?
I heard Girls like roses?
I dont like flowers. I am a Nomad. I like Sand. Which is what your Traitors will be whiffing on come Friday....
omg y r u talking so much trash massarweh u have a good team and be happy with it but dont talk too much trash and then u cant back it up its not healthy to talk that much and end up losing to us so have some pride and try to do the talking on the field if u can
god bless and good luck to all on friday
All you "gentlemen" behave while I talk to Maha.
Come on down to the park and get on a team. Maher's team will get on a serious winning streak if they had one more woman join them. Our schedule and directions to the park can be downloaded from any page here...just look at the bottom of the sidebar, on the right.
Great to hear from you, Charlie! Come back and teach these guys how to party.
Mr. Zoubi,
For your references your team started the Trash talking. I am merely responding to it. Me and my Team can back it up... Can you? Huh can YOU?
I got pride, Hell I got Nomad pride. And I am damn happy with my Team, who happened to build this League. Where were your Traitors?
This is our house. The Nomad house. And shall remain so.
Godspeed the Nomads II.
maybe we started the trash talk according to u but its getting ugly and as far as u built the league i have been playing only for a short time well from last summer but sorry I never heard of u guys until this season so its hard to believe u build the league if you weren’t even here but in any event we will see u on the diamond on Friday and we wish you the best of luck and as we say every time we start a game
get some
Mr. Santiago.
Hope all turned out ok, looking forward to seeing you on the field tomorrow.
Get Some!! Come Friday morning you shall Get Some. Your getting a CAN OF WHUP ASS!!!
"It is fatal to enter any war without the will to win it"
The Nomads have been around since the very beginning...back when I was an Intruder and Kevin was a Nomad. The Green Monsters, Sluggos and Beats all came from the Intruders and a few others here and there. Throw old loyalties and competition into the mix, and you've got yourself some good games tomorrow! I'm looking forward to it Nomads and Sluggos. Cheers!
Hey Capo,
Please make sure your team doesn't go out and party hard tonight... I want your A game tomorrow.... no excuses... your best versus our best...
This should be fun... i am looking forwards to an intense match-up... don't disappoint.
The only team i see who will get a whup ass are the nomads. Score Traitors20 -nomads 5.
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If you want to use a nickname as your handle, then sign up for a blogger display name and make sure you fill out the profile info to include your name. Cool?
Godspeed the Nomads II
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