Lots of words today. Be sure to check the archives, as not all of today's updates appear on the main page.
At the top of your Softblog this fine Wednesday are a few pics of a beautiful young girl, Maryam. She had open-heart surgery in March, 2007, one of ten children that Gift of Life Amman (GOLA) helped as part of a medical mission between Al-Khalidi Hospital here in Amman, Riley Children's Hospital in Indianapolis, and many generous corporations, individuals, and volunteers from all over the world.
Maryam is back at home, and she's doing great. (Her aunt & I message each other frequently.) I want to thank each of you for joining Amman Softball League and contributing to GOLA's success in saving the lives of needy children. And thanks to Amman Little League Association and its president, Mr. Nabil Khoury, as well as all of their volunteers, for hosting us and making ASL a win-win for both organizations.
GOLA is an officially-regsitered charity, and we are always in need of financial contributions. Thanks once again for your generosity, and if you can afford to give a little more and wish to do so, please email AmmanSoftball@gmail.com, and I will put you in touch with our co-chairmen.
At the top of your Softblog this fine Wednesday are a few pics of a beautiful young girl, Maryam. She had open-heart surgery in March, 2007, one of ten children that Gift of Life Amman (GOLA) helped as part of a medical mission between Al-Khalidi Hospital here in Amman, Riley Children's Hospital in Indianapolis, and many generous corporations, individuals, and volunteers from all over the world.
Maryam is back at home, and she's doing great. (Her aunt & I message each other frequently.) I want to thank each of you for joining Amman Softball League and contributing to GOLA's success in saving the lives of needy children. And thanks to Amman Little League Association and its president, Mr. Nabil Khoury, as well as all of their volunteers, for hosting us and making ASL a win-win for both organizations.
GOLA is an officially-regsitered charity, and we are always in need of financial contributions. Thanks once again for your generosity, and if you can afford to give a little more and wish to do so, please email AmmanSoftball@gmail.com, and I will put you in touch with our co-chairmen.
And now, here's Maryam...
Adoring Dr. Mark Turrentine, the surgeon from Riley.
Breaking my heart...

...and on her way home.
Great to see you with girl for a change Mude. Kidding bro. She's beautiful and I'm proud of you and all who contribute to this worthy cause. The fatwah blog was friggin hilarious!!!!!!
As Mude's Uncle in law, can anyone tell me if he can actually play the game or does he just "talk" the game? All replies will be kept confident unless they are funny, could cause embaressment, or both.
I'll answer for you, Chris:
Those who can, do. Those who cannot, chronicle.
Riley Hospital is AWESOME!:)
I'll look into the charity GOLA for donatiing!
Thanks for dropping in, Emily. I hope you had a great time in Jordan. GOLA will have a website very soon. I'll contact you through your blog (and post here) how people can donate.
And the gang from Riley will be back in the spring for another medical mission. They are amazing people.
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