Canardlys 9
JoSox 23
Nomads 16
Slackers 38
Slackers 31
Camels 26 25
143 142 runs in three games. Poor home plate.
More later...
Friday, June 26, 2009
Week 3 Results
Posted by
Mude Sartawi
5:01 PM
Labels: Game Recaps
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Week 3 Preview: Party Like A Shaved Ape
9:00 Canardlys @ JoSox (Umped by 3 Slackers) Teammates in partying, foes on the field. A few hours after this game, Canardlys 1st baseman Chad "The Imam" Bowen and the JoSox #1 fan, Lama Saqr, will hold their engagement party. With members of both teams invited, there may be fallout from the game. I'm thinkin' fisticuffs. I'm thinkin' mayhem. Yes, Mr. Milkshake, there will be blood. *** 10:45 Nomads @ Slackers (Umped by 3 JoSox) The Jordan Derby. The teams are set to play three times this season, with the team that wins at least two games having the honor of taking home the brand new prize. The new "trophy" won't be revealed until there's something on the line, which will be their next game. What will be revealed, however, are the Nomads' new uniforms. I'm sworn to secrecy, but I'm telling you, we are going to have a lot of fun with this. *** 12:30 Slackers @ Camels (Umped by 3 Nomads) The Slackers are spreading rumors that the Camels will forfeit this game. We haven't seen that tactic yet, but if you're scared to play a team, like the Slackers quite obviously fear the Camels, then there is a smarter play. Convince the other team that your team won't show up. Then your opponents won't show up, and you'll come out of hiding to claim the forfeit. Is this what you signed up for, Ash? *** "I didn't get to vote" was sent to me by a couple people, so I'm extending the Bash Mude poll (upper right, in the Green). A new poll will be published on Saturday. Trash-talking may now commence. Or not. I really don't care what you degenerates do.
Posted by
Mude Sartawi
3:04 PM
Labels: Bitter Rivalries, Game Previews, Jordan Cup
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Week 2 Recap: Simian Honeymoon

Posted by
Mude Sartawi
5:06 PM
Labels: Diesel Fume Ponderings, Game Recaps, Ziggy and Schwa
Monday, June 15, 2009
Week 2: Monkey Wedding Afterglow
We're not quite ready for the Jordan Cup Derby. One more week, right?
UPDATE 6:15 PM: There's been a switch in the schedule. Please note!
9:00 AM
JoSox @ Noobz
We've got some serious new competition for "Best Shortstop" this season, as Eric Atkins showed. Y'all better take a look at the Noobz's Ramzi before it's too late. Can we get someone from the Embassy to clear the mines between home and 1st base? Will the Noobz bring their A-Team to knock off the defending champs?
10:45 AM
Slackers @ AF11 Canardlys
Umps: Two from Nomads, Two from Trojans SWAT
Notes: The Slackers need a booster shot for innings 1-4, and AF11 Canardlys need one for innings 5-7. Nader being on the Slackers is like the Dalai Lama joining the Blue Collar Comedy Tour. Maher's at-bat wiggle-dance routine is like a soldier fixing his hair before combat. Will Chad "The Imam" Bowen remember not to face Mecca while playing defense and pay attention to the ball instead? Finally, where's Ash?
12:30 PM
Trojans SWAT @ Nomads
Umps: Two from AF11 Canardlys, Two from JoSox
Massarweh wants a Best Shortstop Opinion Poll. The Trojans SWAT's backup, George, should give him some tips. Hot Pants Rihani is the biggest fan of KISS I have ever known. We want Jeff Sillin to start writing for the Slogs. The Nomads have a few ringers on their team this season, but will they be here for the Tourney? Will the Trojans SWAT win this game, or will they win it in a rout?
If your team is even one ump short for any game, then you will take an automatic three outs in your next game's first inning batting turn. (If your next game is against the Noobz, then it'll be assessed the game after that.)
Bring cash this week. No pay, no play.
Look at the new poll, courtesy of Jeff.
Lewd Comment of the Week: "I vehemently but very respectfully disagree with your assessment of the play's result, sir." - Trojan SWATter George, who was ejected.
Web Gem of the Week: Gotta be Eric's twisting, diving catch at short, right? Discuss. UPDATE: Rocky's stab of Rudy's hard liner to 3rd in the Sox-Slackers game is the clear front-runner so far.
Player of the Week: My vote goes to Massarweh, for not playing. But y'all discuss.
Posted by
Mude Sartawi
11:19 AM
Labels: Game Previews, Jordan Cup
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Week 1: Too Loud, Man...Too Loud
"The numbers all go to eleven. Look, right across the board, eleven, eleven, eleven..."
- Nigel Tufnel of Spinal Tap
Posted by
Mude Sartawi
12:38 PM
Labels: Bitter Rivalries, Game Recaps, Practice Times, Rage
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
We're Back
"Get it on. Gotta get it on. No choice but to get it on."
- Adam Carolla
Like a disease in remission, we've come back with rage, killing that false sense of security you felt as you lollygagged away the last ten months of Fridays. The Summer 2009 season of Amman Softball League, our 7th overall, is most definitely on.
What does this mean for you?
Pain, that's what. You're about to get smacked with balls that have the best size and hardness combo this side of bowling. If you like getting smacked with balls, then you've come to the right place. Welcome. We are also rolling out the same stained red carpet to all those who enjoy smacking balls. See how fairness runs in our blood?
We've got Smackers and Slackers and Spitters and Trojans... Botox and JoSox and Nomads and Mo' Nads than any camel-humpin' league in the Middle East. We are here to get some and, dammit, some will be gotten.
That felt good. By the way, the Slogs are now Adult Swim. This place is as full of inside jokes as it is full of fun and informative (don't forget well written!) stuff about the league. Read up on ASL, feel free to comment, and get in on the inside jokes.
The only rule for Adult Swim: Don't pee in my pool.
The deal for this Friday, June 12th:
9:00 AM*: AF11 @ Trojans (Slackers umping)
10:45 AM: Slackers @ JoSox (Trojans umping)
12:30 PM: Noobz @ Nomads (JoSox umping)
*That's right, Nine Ay Em. Get over it...or just stay awake from the night before.
1. No more surgical strike. It was dumb.
2. Games are now 7 innings.
3. Infielders positioned behind the basepaths for all batters.
4. Designated Hitter option added.
5. Miss an umping assignment, your team loses a full inning of at-bats.
6. Bring booze into the park, you're ejected & suspended.
7. READ THE RULES! (Note: This is not a rule change.)
Maybe I'll have more on the league on Thursday. Maybe I'll decide to do something else instead. Like count the number of hypocrites who pretend to be religious but have no problem waking up entire neighborhoods with their horn-honking, wife-beating and escaped-from-the-zoo children. Softball was a venting mechanism, for all of us. You getting that yet?
One word for all the waiters in Jordan:
Two words for getting Jordan out of debt:
Three words for Le Freak:
Four words for Jeff's uncle:
Five words for all you newcomers:
Posted by
Mude Sartawi
11:59 PM
Labels: Opening Day, Rage