"The numbers all go to eleven. Look, right across the board, eleven, eleven, eleven..."
- Nigel Tufnel of Spinal Tap
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Week 1: Too Loud, Man...Too Loud
A long time coming: King pitches to Jeff in the first game of Summer '09
Question: If Kobe Bryant, LeBron James and Bratislav Smearpapsa were to argue with a game official about a particular call, would all three get the same treatment from that official?
Answer: Who the hell is Bratislav Smearpapsa?
Exactly. Rookies & Unknowns need to establish themselves and their reputation in the league in order to build the rapport necessary to OPEN THEIR FREAKIN' MOUTHS to any umpire. Then, if you rooks want to talk to an ump about a call, pay your dues long enough to become a captain. Until then, zip it.
We play by a set of rules that have been voted on, item by item and line by line, by the captains of this league. The rules were not found under a sanniyeh of mansaf or revealed to someone in a wet dream. We all came up with them, together.
I beg all of you to look here in the comments section for more. And for the love of falafel, read the damn rulebook as soon as you can spare four minutes in between downloading porn and cursing my name.
The games...
AF11 12
Trojans 20
AF11, which is last season's Bezzig & Lezzig renamed to reflect the team's current openness in mating habits, renewed their rivalry with their cousins, fellow Bling Bling descendants the Trojans.
Inspired by the solid tandem of Tamy "Stitch" Goudian and former Nomad Tamara "Look Up" Hawatmeh - and the suddenly and inexplicably improved bat of Maher "The Choreographer" Abu Arja - captain Jawad "Spiked Coffee" Dabbas and his band of merry marauders jumped out to an 8-0 lead.
Recognizing the need to inspire his team, Trojans co-cap Laith Barhoum got his Chuck Norris on. Instead of catching a relay from his outfielder, Laith wanted to catch it in his mouth to prove to his team that anything is possible. Ball 1, Chuck Norris 0. Eleven stitches later, Laith would rest easy in knowing that his brother, Saif, and 'mates like Jeff Sillin, Aaron Bouchane and that Rory dude, rallied and took the game.
Special Note: AF11's 1B, Chad "The Imam" Bowen, pulled off something that nobody in ASL's history has been able to do: He got Lama Saqr to attend a morning game. I guess it helps that they're newly engaged. Congrats, kids. Just take a hint from the tenor of Friday's game and be careful how many ASLers you invite to the wedding. We like to destroy.
Slackers 22
JoSox 23
Looking to avenge their loss in last season's championship game, the Slackers found themselves in a 19-7 hole after four innings. No problem when you have bats like they do.
Led by cap Karim Barghouti, outfielder Nader Qushair and pitcher Omar Nimri, who combined to go a perfect 14-14 from the plate, the Slackers put up 4, 4 and 7 runs in the last three innings. And they held what looks to be a potent JoSox offense to exactly zero runs over that span. 22-19, Slackers lead, going into the bottom of the 7th and final inning.
Gary Bonifas led off the inning with a single, and Justin Hiester knocked him in with a triple. Steve Mancuso sent him home with a double. 22-21, Slackers clinging to the lead with no outs. Mike O'Leary, the potential winning run, then singled to put runners on 1st and 3rd. Still no outs. The very next batter, David Lopez, calmly took one of Omar's patented cloud-scrapers and smoked it. Steve trotted home, followed by a hustling Mike. Ballgame.
Special Note: The Slackers' Nader Qushair has been one of the best players in this league for six seasons now. It's my opinion that he's the most underappreciated player in ASL's history.
Noobz 10
Nomads 11
The Nooobz are made up of brand new players who want to learn the game and have some fun. Instead of placing them on established teams, where they would see little or no playing time in our fiercely competitive league, we decided to spin them off and give them the attention they deserve.
So every week, the Noobz will have a practice day with some of the league's players and coaches, where they will learn to hit and field and run the bases. Each Friday, they will play in a simulated game against one of the league's teams. In exchange for the "easy win" and valuable scrimmage time, the league team will also help in the development of these new players by working with and coaching the Noobz during the game. But, if the league team does not show up with enough players to field a team, then the result goes down as a forfeit. You really don't want that.
Some special stuff for Noobz games:
1. League teams are capped at 5 runs per inning for all innings. Noobz have no limits in all innings.
2. League teams bat with the standard 3 outs. Noobz bat around for the first two innings, then go to 3 outs per inning. If the Noobz have less than 10 players, then outs are counted with the first league player's at bat (see #3).
3. The Noobz will be combined with players from other teams to form a full squad. Any player, regardless of his/her team, who wants some extra practice is encouraged to join the game. Players who can help coach and teach the Noobz are also needed to join up.
4. The goal here is to help the Noobz learn the game and have fun. Take it easy on them and always be in teaching mode.
If you're reading this and want to learn the game of softball, please send an email to ASL (from the Contact info in the sidebar).
Next week's game schedule will be published on Sunday, June 14. We'll have the full season schedule later in the week.
For the week of June 14-20, reserve your team's practice time in the comments section of this post.
Posted by
Mude Sartawi
12:38 PM
Labels: Bitter Rivalries, Game Recaps, Practice Times, Rage
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From our rulebook:
"An umpire's judgment should not be contested. Failure to adhere to an umpire's judgment may warrant ejection. No appeals. The umpire's decisions are final.
Rule interpretations only may be protested, and only immediately following the issue in question. The captain (or co-captain) of each team and a maximum of one other player from each team may discuss rules interpretation with the umpire, and they may do so only as long as the umpire wishes to engage in the discussion. Only the captain, accompanied by a maximum of one other player or the scorekeeper, may approach the umpire(s) in such situations."
Pretty clear, isn't it?
If you think an ump made a mistake in how he applied a rule, your CAPTAIN should talk to him. If the captain needs the expertise or help of someone, then he can bring ONE other person WITH him.
What does that mean, "rule interpretations" and "applied a rule"?
Let's say an ump calls a runner safe because your fielder didn't apply a tag on him. But you saw that the fielder had the ball with his foot on the bag before the runner got there AND it was a force play. Let your captain know & he will CALMLY remind the ump that it was a force and no tag was needed. The ump will then make his call.
When I ejected a player from a game on Friday, Maher asked if the Trojans have to play short-handed. I said no, that this wasn't soccer. But I was wrong. I should read the rules. Now, Maher should have opened the rulebook and CALMY pointed out the umpire's mistake in interpreting and applying the rule. That's how you have a discussion with an ump. Yelling will not get the ump to see the light.
Get it now?
Close play at 1st & you think the ump got it wrong? Zip it.
Your player left the bag early (prior to or without batter contact) & he was correctly called out, but you don't like it? Zip it.
You think you stepped on a bag to make an out, but the ump said you did not? Zip it.
You think it's a ball, but the ump called a strike? Zip it.
You think it's a strike, but the ump called a ball? Zip it.
You think one of ASL's rules is dumb? Zip it. Then, on your own time, ask your captain and the other captains why they approved it. Maybe we'll put it up for a vote and change it.
Above all else...BE COOL.
AF11 will join the Noobz and JoSox for practice. Large field, Wednesday the 17th from 5-8 PM.
Just for the record, Maher did read the rules and knew what should happen when a player gets ejected.
He even was umping the game when Slackers and 4U2NV got into a fight (two seasons ago) and players where ejected and witnessed an out being called on an ejected player.
But when Maher called time, one inning before Mude ejected the guy (thats when Kevin ejected the guy earlier and was allowed to return to the game) THE UMPIRE SAID "YOU CANT CALL TIME!" Thats why Maher didnt argue with Mude regarding the ejection Rule later on.
But instead He went to the umpireS after the game (with a smile) and showed them the rule!
All I wanna say is :
1- Teams should be gratefull that there is Umpires that show up to the game.
2- IF an Umpire made a bad call you dont talk shit to him! Cause as far as I know they are Human too, And they probably got the call right but you are just biased to your team and want every call to be in your favor!
PS : Please dont blame Maher for everything. Thank you!
Maher... A time out was already called while we were all huddled near home plate. That's when you should have supported your argument by pointing out the error, with the rulebook in hand.
When you were told you can't call time, it was because you were batting & wanted to wiggle around like you were Alfonso Soriano between every pitch. A timeout there is a waste of time and you know it. Two completely different things.
Nobody's blaming you for anything. I was just using your situation as an example. If anything, you were too nice and should have just showed me the relevant paragraph in the rulebook right away. If you're unsure, just ask the ump if he can take a look in the rulebook. (Remeber before the game started, and your team was 10 minutes late? You asked me to show you where it stated the punishment in the rulebook, and I did. The way you handled that discussion was the right way to do it.)
I will NEVER let a player back in the game once he is tossed.
I did a no-no and let Saif talk me into letting his stay. It will NEVER happen again.
As Mude said ZIP IT...
Oh yeah....Mude...you cant argue balls and strikes ever...correct?
Correct. Not even captains should argue balls & strikes. Umps know the strike zone & arc requirements, so there isn't even room for an interpretation discussion.
Kevin :
After my 1st comment, I posted two or maybe three long comments clarifying the issue. but for some reason they didnt go through, maybe i didnt wright my name or something..I donnu..
I am not debating whether the guy should be allowed back in the game or not.
..I only have a msg to deliver..
1- People should show more respect to umpires.
2- Its ok if an umpire made a bad call cause as far as I recall they are human too. and they probably got the right call, but people are just biased and they want every call in their favor.
Thank You..
I am outta here!
ELE (Everyone Loves Everyone), formerly known as the the Trojans would like to reserve the field for Tuesday.
And for those who don't get the reference: http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/3bcc5a68d3/semipro-exclusive-the-legend-of-jackie-moon-from-semipro-movie (ELE is at the 55 second mark)
And for further viewing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8d5Le69gII
All I know is its good to be back. I think all the Umps did a great job last year and till now are doing great... sure everyone does mistakes, but at the end, at least people are helping out... Just get out there and play, because all I know is everyone will need much more practice this year to get through the NOMADS baby... ;) right Calls,wrong calls, or no calls, we will see some lucky team in the finals...
Mude the summary for the weekend games were hilarious... especially about the rookies and talking back to the umps.... ;)
We're back and better than ever, that's for sure.
Nomads, NoB.S.
See you guys on the field...easy on the umps guys, and besides, its you that's gonna get ejected from the game, not them haha
Peace in the Middle East,
Nomads Forever Baby!!!
We need more polls in this thing... Web Gem of the week, MVP of the week, lewd comment of the week, etc. I also think there needs to be a referendum on the veracity of Mude's claim that he "doesn't like to yell." What do ya say commish?
I agree, needs to be a bunch of polls added. Lewd comment of the week might just be a Nomad every week, and I'm not referring to myself, but we do talk alot of smack. Overall, I like the idea.
Mude doesn't like to yell?! Well, that's true actually with the exception of comebacks to certain outfielders that are already yelling stuff at him from the depths of the field haha (gee I wonder who that could be)
Nomads baby, Nomads
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