We're not quite ready for the Jordan Cup Derby. One more week, right?
UPDATE 6:15 PM: There's been a switch in the schedule. Please note!
9:00 AM
JoSox @ Noobz
We've got some serious new competition for "Best Shortstop" this season, as Eric Atkins showed. Y'all better take a look at the Noobz's Ramzi before it's too late. Can we get someone from the Embassy to clear the mines between home and 1st base? Will the Noobz bring their A-Team to knock off the defending champs?
10:45 AM
Slackers @ AF11 Canardlys
Umps: Two from Nomads, Two from Trojans SWAT
Notes: The Slackers need a booster shot for innings 1-4, and AF11 Canardlys need one for innings 5-7. Nader being on the Slackers is like the Dalai Lama joining the Blue Collar Comedy Tour. Maher's at-bat wiggle-dance routine is like a soldier fixing his hair before combat. Will Chad "The Imam" Bowen remember not to face Mecca while playing defense and pay attention to the ball instead? Finally, where's Ash?
12:30 PM
Trojans SWAT @ Nomads
Umps: Two from AF11 Canardlys, Two from JoSox
Massarweh wants a Best Shortstop Opinion Poll. The Trojans SWAT's backup, George, should give him some tips. Hot Pants Rihani is the biggest fan of KISS I have ever known. We want Jeff Sillin to start writing for the Slogs. The Nomads have a few ringers on their team this season, but will they be here for the Tourney? Will the Trojans SWAT win this game, or will they win it in a rout?
If your team is even one ump short for any game, then you will take an automatic three outs in your next game's first inning batting turn. (If your next game is against the Noobz, then it'll be assessed the game after that.)
Bring cash this week. No pay, no play.
Look at the new poll, courtesy of Jeff.
Lewd Comment of the Week: "I vehemently but very respectfully disagree with your assessment of the play's result, sir." - Trojan SWATter George, who was ejected.
Web Gem of the Week: Gotta be Eric's twisting, diving catch at short, right? Discuss. UPDATE: Rocky's stab of Rudy's hard liner to 3rd in the Sox-Slackers game is the clear front-runner so far.
Player of the Week: My vote goes to Massarweh, for not playing. But y'all discuss.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Week 2: Monkey Wedding Afterglow
Posted by
Mude Sartawi
11:19 AM
Labels: Game Previews, Jordan Cup
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Well Mude,
JoSox's SS (eric?) made a nice diving catch for sure, but he turned a pretty good looking DP at one point too. That has to be rarer and harder than flopping around in the dirt to catch a soft liner.
Also someone's third baseman caught a rifle shot down the line and transitioned seamlessly into a triple lutz. We cannot ignore technical merit scores just because he didn't choose to go the same route as Maher/a breaching whale.
But how about a poll similar to the one you posted about giving the leech a regular job on the slogs? This way is just too much work.
Mike, our pitcher, caught a bullet apparently intended for his head. Yeah, Eric started a nice double play, too. George S. made a web gem (along with the almost-nice one).
There's no money in the Slogs, and there's no fridge to raid, so there's no harm in giving the Leeach a job here. But I won't. Ever.
With regards to leech, I meant in terms of format, not in terms of content. You know, a voting poll with bar graphs and percentages and stuff.
No Leech on the Slogs! Just give me that, OK? I really don't ask for much.
The great play by the 3rd baseman you mentioned was the Slackers' Rocky spearing Mike's very hard liner. Forgot about that. There's my vote. Fantastic play.
It was Rudy (not Mike) who lined to Rocky.
My vote for another runner up goes to Ramzi (Nomads) line drive over the pitcher's head that he managed to snag, fully extended, before it comes rolling down the line in a hurry to me in center lol
Mike, great job getting your glove up before that rocket tattooed your face, nice to see some quick reflexes out there. I also get a kick out of Kevin's policy to the hits that come straight back at him, "Get the F%$& outta the way" as he puts it hahaha Not that I'd do that, but watching Kevin do it is as funny as it gets
This Friday is gonna be interesting...then again, aren't they all?
Nomads Forever
As of 11:15 PM on June 18, if any team wants to change it's name, I'm charging you a 1,000 JD fee.
This money will go towards my personal booze fund.
Zaki, don't forget Kevin's other signature defensive move: TAKE A KNEE.
I know that my daughter kicks ass (maybe even YOURS) on the field (which obviously goes without saying), but since she's preggers, I'd like to request EVERYONE'S help in making sure that once the baby child is born, she doesn't "coach 3rd base" with too much vigor...i.e., running out onto the field, chasing runners, begging people to throw HER the ball so she can SHOW them what they SHOULD be doing... Not that she would actually WANT do to any of these things, but rather, she seems to have a switch, as it were. Softball Brooke is different than non-softball Brooke. I know that I can count on all of you to keep her in line. There was mention by Mude that she MAY be used as ONLY a batter, as long as someone else ran for her... (I hope I'm not giving any super duper secret strategies away, dear son-in-law of mine...) Have fun and kick ass!
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