Canardlys 9
JoSox 23
Nomads 16
Slackers 38
Slackers 31
Camels 26 25
143 142 runs in three games. Poor home plate.
More later...
Friday, June 26, 2009
Week 3 Results
Posted by
Mude Sartawi
5:01 PM
Labels: Game Recaps
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Canardlys would like to reserve the big field on Wednesday 1st of June @ 5:00pm
Thank you ..
Canardlys would like to reserve the big field on Wednesday 1st of June @ 5:00pm
Thank you ..
What's a little love between friends Mude?
2 words that I'm guessing summarize everything I'd want to say...rough day. Slackers, you rocked it fair and square...2 thumbs up to you.
Nomads Forever
Mude, most or all the slackers are out of town from the 13th til the 15th of august... If the josox want to win the champioship... Then keep the tourney as is... If you want the slackers to play in it and take those stinking sox to the cleaners, then I kindly ask you to move the championship games up one week, and have an all-star type game on the final week...
And in case the rest of you didn't understand... Yes I honestly think it's a one team (maybe two if the sox improve) season this year..,
Ash...You guys need to get your shit together. I asked Bargo if the Slackers needed a bye, and he asked for Aug 7th off, because most of your team would be out of town from the 1st to the 8th.
Now you find out there's some party in Wadi Rum, and you want to cut the season short. Not happening.
I'll throw it back at you. If the Slackers want to get their asses kicked in the Tourney (again), cancel the lame-ass desert rave and show up like everyone else.
If you want to lose to us a week earlier, we'll schedule an extra game on the 7th.
In the meantime, keep cheering on your buddies as they take walk after walk in slowpitch softball. Very intimidating, Ash.
Zaki your right, Slackers rocked,see you on friday Z i salute the fun team CANARDLYS
Mude, as always a pleasure conversing with you...
This "rave" is a party my mom has been planning for a while and unfortunately the invites have not hone out yet, so my teammates were unaware of it.
Secondly, I did absolutely enjoy watching my buddies score 13 runs after the first 2 batters got out in the top of the 7th. My buddies showed discipline and smart base running... And after over 6 hours of sun draining action, a few of us still came out swinging (for the fences).
Finally, I welcome any game againts your beloved sox... It would be nice to have a bunch of rowdy wild screaming Arabs beat you refined orderly ladies and gentlemen.
See you Friday...
I missed your sarcasm, Ash. Just like coffee: Hot, bitter & I can't live without it.
Do you guys still need the 7th off, too? Did Bargo request it off because he knew you'd need extra travel time? Takes a while when you walk everywhere ;)
If you still need the 7th off, too, how about a home & away doubleheader on July 31?
Everyone I've talked to about the walkathon game gives you (and only you) massive credit. You go up there to swing, and that was one of the nicest home runs I've seen in this league. There was no doubt about it from the second it left the bat.
I'm actually glad to see some heated and interesting dialogue this time around between 2 teams that doesn't include the Nomads.
Slackers have been doing very well, so far. However, many would have to agree on one point, this is softball're not going up there waiting to see if John Smoltz misses the edge of the strike zone with one his wicked splitters, put that bat in motion and swing. Mind you, that doesn't mean swing at crap but most of us are now experienced enough to see something that's so called "good enough."
As for any comments regarding the Nomads, I don't want to speak on everybody's behalf but my opinion is that we've got some making up to do. Missing key players has obviously taken its toll, and the lack of practice prior to a game like that made things, hmmm...difficult to say the least.
On that note, I feel obliged to apologize to my fellow Nomads for being selfish behind the plate.
Let's hope last Friday serves as the wake up call not just for Friday's upcoming game, but for the rest of the season. No need to jump the gun and call this a one team season already. Too early to be able to tell.
Canardlys, see your crazy asses this Friday on the field as opposed to in the bleachers.
Nomads baby
stage 1 - purchase lawn gnomes
stage 2 - paint lawn gnomes orange
stage 3 - teach lawn gnomes how to never swing a bat and be terrible at defense
stage 4 - deploy lawn gnomes
stage 5 - go to mommy's tea party
scheduling conflict solved
yours truly
Where to start?
How about I start with what appears to be the hot topic of the week... "the walks"... I don't think you can fault the team for talking the walk... Instead the focus of attention should be on the home plate ump...
I happened to ump the first game and took the liberty of calling some pitches that barely missed the plate as strikes... And if memory serves me right a certain coach ( won't mention names (but his rhymes with nude, and means emotional state) complained about the calls... My reply is that I wanted to motivate the batters to swing. They did swing and they both got hits... So my point is, if the ump is gonna call every hitable pitch that doesn't hit the plate a ball, why shouldn't the batter take advantage of it? I say the onus is on the ump to get the batters swinging as long as he makes equally for both teams...
That takes care if that...
Jeff ... I hope you watched the first game... The slackers can hit... And they can hit well... Secondly... Terrible at defense? We may not be the best defensive team... But some of our players are arguably the best at their positions... We do have the regular weekly defensive meltdown... But our offensive production usually makes ip for it...
So go ahead and rag on the rag(towel)heads... I find it very flattering ;)
Amman softball... It just got interesting :)
Ash...I agree with the need to have the umps call it looser. We'll start this week. Though I must point out that I wasn't complaining about your calls at the plate during our game. I couldn't tell from the dugout (neither can anyone else, ever).
I just like to bitch when you're umping as a matter of principle. I just assume you're making bad calls. ;)
Need a ride to the field this Friday, or are you gonna walk with the rest of the Slackers? (That'll never get old.)
PS: Other than Nader, who do you have who's the best (or close to it) at a defensive position?
Jeff: That is a hilarious comment.
Stage 5 should be: Gnomes shove 30+ runs up your team's cry-baby asses!
Then Stage 6: we go to mamma's party...
Oh and Mude, for one, we also have the best pitcher in the League, y'all can try to walk the bases all you want with Omar, and without the expanded strike zone.
See you on the field,
Thanks Mude. The camels are solutions oriented.
Ash: I see I have put you on the defensive. I personally would have pointed out that the camels just got beaten by lawn gnomes, but clearly my point hit a little close for anyone to think about counter attacks.
Arguably the best at their positions? If you really want to make amman softball interesting, you will back that up with some specifics. I suggest starting at center field or short stop. Those two seem to evoke the most passion.
I dont know if this is an honest mistake or just testing who is paying attention but 9+23+16+38+31+25 does not equal 143!
PS : The Maherator will be unleashed this Friday!
~Maher aKa Thugnificent
Ok Jeff, I'll play along...
Put me in centerfield or shortstop and yes, the slackers would have the best player at either of those positions ;)... But we like keeping the games somewhat close (and driving our foul mouthed Willie crazy) so we don't usually lineup are best players in those positions ... ;)-
I agree Rocky, Omar is the best pitcher in the league (at least he can bend down and field a grounder by his feet).
And last but not least... I said ARGUABLY!!! lol
Maher...Not all of us got a scientific calculator as a gift when we finished 3rd grade! F&%$in' nerd.
The total had been correct, based on the reported score of the Slackers-Camels game. It was then revised from 31-26 to 31-25. How much would it bother you if I left the incorrect total up there? Would it make your butt twitch, thus adding a new move to your batter's box routine?
Ash: Funny that a Slacker would rely on the word "arguably" to make his point. The better way to say it would have been: "The Slackers argumentatively have the best player at each position."
We would all have to agree.
Mude.... Bravo
I knew you would appreciate my little pun... I capitalized it for crying out Loud ;)
Enough talk... Let's play ball...
1) I thought you were doing the "who is paying attention" game and a reward was on the line.
2) it was 4:00am and I was bored
3) It doesnt matter if I twich my butt or do lapdances during my batting long as i am getting hits with it..I am gonna stick with it ;)
4) Nerds FTW!
Maher aKa Thugnificent
An army of orange lawn gnomes physically shoving runs up the asses of a recreational softball team?
Your version stage 5 sounds like something out of the fevered dreams of a meth addict in the midst of withdrawal. Truly disturbing imagery.
And Ash, after claiming to better than Zaki and Massarweh at their respective positions, you now are suing for peace!? I demand satisfaction!
Jeff, actually that didn't come out right, it was a bit over the top, I apologize...
I still think you're a bunch of cry-babies though!
hah, I am just screwing around. dont think twice about it.
Surprisingly, all this trash talk has been thrown back and forth, all without the fire being lit by a Nomad. I'm impressed.
Ash, you sure you wanna be making such bold statements? Any information for the sloggers to read that backs up your theory?
On a serious note though, your move to the Slackers has shown to be a good one so far, not to mention created some interesting debates specifically between Slackers and JoSox. Helps lessen bashing the bashing of the Nomads that were pretty frequent.
Maher, whatever moves you do or lapdance routines you're practicing, its bound to produce either a hit or at least some entertainment. So keep it coming man, you know we love it.
Nomads Forever
meth addicts are indeed very disturbing. for verification please visit:
but what's even more disturbing is grown men taking walks in recreational slow pitch softball!! just the thought of it...
Congratulations to Brooke & Mude on the birth of their baby boy born this morning!!!
1st off congrats Mude and Brooke....
2nd we are a team if Arab... Exploiting things like strict umping is what we do best.... Sue us for taking a walk... (isn't during people for frivolous things what you do best?)
I'm dine blogging for now, see you all on the field
C'mon Smash...don't take the walk..swing the bat Nancy!!!
Congrats Mude & Brooke on baby Declan. As discussed already, his first word will most likely be...READ!
Nomads baby
Et tus Foo Foo?
i'm dissapointed in you... you know me better than that? when have you ever seen me walk anywhere? i'm much too lazy for that...
Ask mude, first at bat of that infamous inning, i ran so hard, i knocked the poor 2nd base(woman) halfway to centerfield...
and my second at bat, i could have walked around the bases, but that mid paced homerun trot is so much sweeter : )
If that's how nancy plays, i'll gladly be nancy any day :)
Yer always gonna be Nancy to me Smash...
Who loves you more than me? I doubt even Two Beers loves ya more.
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