Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Week 3 Preview: Playing Nice With Our Hosts

WEEK 3, V1.2 - FRIDAY, JANUARY 18th: 11:30 AM: 4U2NV @ Hit Squad (Umps: 2 from Green Monsters) 1:00 PM: Nomads @ Green Monsters (Umps: 2 from Hit Squad) 2:30 PM: Slackers @ Trojans (Umps: 1 Nomad + 1 Green Monster) The slight change to the schedule is due to Little League needing the fields this Friday morning for soccer tournament team tryouts. (I found out about an hour before posting this, but we have a nice relationship with ALLA, so no biggie.) We simply moved the first game to the afternoon, so only two teams are affected. Let's hope Massarweh doesn't imagine a conspiracy theory here...although there probably is one. I'll add some of Ziggy and Schwa's musings on each game a little later. They're still gathering their thoughts.