"Even saw the lights of the Goodyear Blimp, and it read 'Ice Cube's a pimp'."
It was a good day, indeed. Mostly calm and clear with only scattered WTFs. Must have been the presence of all those ALLA emissaries. Y'all listened when you were told: Khafoo ALLA. But I have the feeling this honeymoon won't last.
Your scores:
Slackers 31
Canardlys 21
Highlights of the Game: Omar Nimri and Nader Qushair going a combined 10-10 and remaining perfect for the season, cruising to a win with one woman tied behind the altar. And watching Maher Abu Arja mostly dispense with his wiggle dance and finally hit the ball.
Lowlight of the Game: The Slackers, who occupy the bases while on defense like an Israeli settlement on a Palestinian hilltop, complaining that the Canardlys' 1st baseman, Chad "The Imam" Bowen, was interfering with their runners...while he was going for the ball.
Stat of the Game: The Canardlys are now 12-0 in postgame celebrations.
Random Note: Congrats to Dana Samawi, who got married on Thursday. We hope to see your future children watching games and your husband becoming a Slacker. (I believe it's mandatory.)
Camels 12
Nomads 19
Highlights: Saad's pitching performance after the 2nd inning. Iman's uncanny ability to get on base. Laura Alsenas' perpetual smile. And, holy crap, Massarweh's clutchiness.
Lowlights: Zaki Ibrahim's theatrics in centerfield, diving after catching routine flyballs and even tumbling after one of his infielders would make a play. Also, watching the Camels wilt in the sun and give away a game they should have won.
Stat: The Nomads are undefeated when holding the lead at the end of a game.
Random Note: Pour some marinara sauce on that bat, Ramzey Nassar. All that talk and you bring al dente angel hair to the plate?
Since this is my first attempt at posting from my TootAswad, I figured we should debut a new Slogs feature. You know how every half-retarded sportswriter falls back on the "Burning Questions" crutch? Well, I'm not a sportswriter, but I am nothing if not half-retarded. So, keeping it geographically and environmentally relevant, here's your first installment of...
Diesel Fume Ponderings
1. It was fun seeing Omar Massarweh flop around at shortstop again. What'll it take to get him so riled up that he graces the Slogs with his rants again?
2. Good to see teams paying more attention to the development of their female players. Any guy can learn this game, but a sex change is a big hassle. (Note: There's word from someone in a high position that next season will require three women per team, on defense and in the batting order. "Recruit & Develop" or "Hormones & Surgery"... the choice is yours.)
3. This season's Camels feature a smooth Jordanian-American blend. Wait. How the hell am I supposed to stop smoking? Can someone change their team name to Lung Cancer already?
4. Bilal ibn Rabah became the first muezzin because he had a beautiful voice. Seriously, have you been to Mecca Mall lately? Is that azzan, or a hyena that swallowed a French horn? I'm ashamed and offended. And my ears hurt.
5. Ash Samawi went home to the Slackers after three seasons of whoring around with the Traitors, Green Monsters & JoSox. That's what happens when you're done sowing your wild oats. You settle down with family. It's Viagra and backgammon from now on, Smash.
6. The Ministry of Health requires every restaurant and cafe in Jordan to play "Careless Whisper" and "Hotel California" on a loop. This is a fact. Look it up.
7. Last season's Bezzig & Lezzig were forced to change their name from AF11 to the Canardlys because the women on their team objected to the profanity. Meet Tamy Goudian & Tamara Hawatmeh, AKA The Bin Laden Girls. (No, I won't tell you what AF11 stands for.)
8. The JoSox had the week off, and even though he was out of the country, pitcher Kevin Rowlson still walked six batters. OK, here's another one: In Iraq this week, insurgents always stood exactly 48 feet away from Kevin Rowlson, because even they know he's the American who grants easy access to bases. One more? Kevin Rowlson was a popular guy at Baghdad's nightclubs...something, something...free passes...you get the point.
9. Happy Birthday to Schwa, the Slogs' official boycat, who turns three years old today. He was gracious enough to invite Ziggy to the party.
Lewd Comment of the Week: "Who let the f&#$%in' press in our dugout?" - Jeff Sillin
MVP of the Week: Khaled, the guard at the ALLA Complex, for giving me the chance to do some screamin'. (UPDATE: Just saw the results of the poll so far. You guys are killin' me.)
Web Gem of the Week: Really? 83 runs in two games and you want a web gem?

I know that my daughter kicks ass (maybe even YOURS) on the field (which obviously goes without saying), but since she's preggers, I'd like to request EVERYONE'S help in making sure that once the baby child is born, she doesn't "coach 3rd base" with too much vigor...i.e., running out onto the field, chasing runners, begging people to throw HER the ball so she can SHOW them what they SHOULD be doing... Not that she would actually WANT do to any of these things, but rather, she seems to have a switch, as it were. Softball Brooke is different than non-softball Brooke. I know that I can count on all of you to keep her in line. There was mention by Mude that she MAY be used as ONLY a batter, as long as someone else ran for her... (I hope I'm not giving any super duper secret strategies away, dear son-in-law of mine...) Have fun and kick ass!
This was moved from an earlier post because it was too amusing to let sit there. -SlogsEd
In my humble opinion..Web gems of the day were Hawatmeh's unbalanced throw to get the runner out at first.
and Ramzey's dive and then getting up and making a perfect throw to 1st!
Canardly's would like to reserve the big field at 5:00pm on Wednesday 24th of June for practice.
Thank you !
PS: Mude, Thanks for removing the Comment moderation thingy...it sucked!
JoSox have the big field Tuesday, 6/23, 5 PM - sundown.
For the sake of preventing myself becoming the "Maher of the Outfield" (not that I have anything against you buddy, just stating some facts) I must say this...routine my ass; as Mude and I have already discussed haha...you button pushing addict.
Gonna leave it at that so that I don't get hammered in the slogs. Nice snag at 3rd Ramzi, we're gonna need more of those throughout the season.
Tam, nice job digging up that ball and getting it to first, all while taking a tumble on your knees mumbling ugh uh oh f$%*$
Slackers, nice offense as usual. You guys score almost as frequent hearing the word "hala" from a very traditional Jordanian.
Maher, I can't say this enough times without laughing non-stop, HE'S GOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN hahahaha
Nomads Forever
Heh-heh, yea, I was sent from the ALLA squad for third game duty.
(That upset with Khaled sent my son running from the room!)
Great round up! It was fun to be out there watching you all again.
I just noticed 52% think Mude likes to yell, not surprised haha My vote was definitely for HECK and YES
Nomads Baby
Hey Zack Attack... thanks for noticing my super dive and throw. I was quite proud of it, until I saw my black and blue knee =)
But seriously I must admit that you are the funnest person to watch out there on the field. We all sit there and wait to see what the next gymnastic trick you will do. A cartwheel? A flip? A back handstand? Your awesome Zak! Keep entertaining us with your awesome dive flip and catch!
Tell Gator I say hi! see you soon!
Hawatmeh - "Big T" ha ha
No one dives like Massarweh. Period.
There you go Mude, I have graced this blogspot with my presence.
Nomads V
Can we have previews for this week matchups please?
Oh and a schedule would be nice.
I read this blog like every govt. employee does in the morning after skimming over all the local papers drinking my gahweh and sigarah...
I am sure u understand the urgency.
Nomads V
Big T,
Entertainment is my middle name, or at least one of them haha Seriously, you're getting much better out there. Just take it easy when you go up to bat, the ball is with you not against you haha
Gator says hi back kaman, see you guys out there Friday.
Massarweh is back on the slogs, thank the Lord. We needed some more spark for it to get REALLY fired up in here. I second you on that, lets have some previews. Perhaps even some of Mude's usual comebacks to the comments posted so far lol
Nomads Forever
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