Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Bears! Laziness! Murder! Shoeshines!

-No refunds. Consider your refund escaping this death trap with your lives!
From the movie Semi-Pro

-Monkey boy.

From the movie Slackers

-We can be as different as we wanna be, but you can't kill people!
-Says who!? I'm good with the Lord.

From the movie Monster

-Now go home and get your fuckin' shinebox.
From the movie Goodfellas

GAME TIMES HAVE CHANGED! (Updated Feb 17 @ Noonish)

We're pushing back the start times by just a few minutes to accommodate Little League, who will use the field for practice on Friday mornings.

Feb 19:
11:00 AM: ELE La Calle @ Slackers (Umps: 2 Monsters)
12:15 PM: Green Monsters @ Slackers (1 ELE + 1 GoodFella)
1:30 PM: Green Monsters @ GoodFellas (2 Slackers)

Comment moderation has been lifted. You're free to air it out. Have at each other.

Seriously, you shortbus riding halfwits. Get mean. We miss the mean!