Friday, July 10, 2009
Week 5 Recap: Outta Monkey References
Canardlys 26
Nomads 9
Before we celebrate recap Canardlys' season sweep over the Nomads, the Slogs would like to extend a warm thanks to Chad "The Imam" Bowen for finding, buying and carrying all those softballs for us to use.
And now...
Holy mother of a baboon's red butt, can you believe Canardlys just swept the Nomads? The first game was a narrow 7-6 win, but this game...brutal. Due to budget cuts at the Slogs, we couldn't send a correspondent to cover the game, but we hear Canardly Tamara Hawatmeh was still talking about that awesome, barehanded catch she made for an out against the JoSox a couple weeks ago. And it was awesome. In fact, it's awesomeness was only exceeded by its deliciousness. Question: Do the Canardlys, who also have Tamy "Stitch" Goudian, have the best tandem of women in the league? It's hard to argue against them.
We hear that Nomad Omar Massarweh went 0-3 with two strikeouts and six errors. However, this could not be independently confirmed. What we can confirm is that Zaki Ibrahim continued his diving ways, but this time into the warm waters of Sharm El-Sheikh. Happy Anniversary to Zaki & Ghadeer.
There is also a rumor floating around that Jawad Dabbas has abdicated the captaincy of the Canardlys and control of the team now rests in the hands of Maher Abu Arja. Someone please give us the scoop.
As always, if either team has a recap, email it & we'll add it here.
Up next week for both teams: The JoSox, who play a doubleheader.
Slackers 23
Nomads 7
Some Jordan Derby. The Slogs will save the new trophy for the next game, in the hopes that it'll be something worthy of the work of art that is the new Jordan Cup. The Slackers have outscored the Nomads 61-23 in two games. Sheesh.
So the Nomads were swept in their doubleheader. To be fair, they were shorthanded, having to enlist the help of some Canardlys just to round out a roster. Still, the Slackers just keep winning. That's a league-high five-game winning streak by the Slackers, if you're scoring at home. Or if you're scoring on the beach in Sharm. Or in a villa in Kursi.
Some good news for the Nomads: Unlike their last three games, the Nomads will not have to suffer a penalty for missing an umping assignment. Thanks for showing up, guys.
Up next week for the Slackers: The Camels.
Camels 4
JoSox 28
"This is more like it." - Kevin Rowlson, JoSox
"We need to practice." - Saif Barhoum, Camels
Note: Type in italics is Jeff Sillin's. Regular type is mine.
Today, fans at the ALLA complex witnessed the JoSox commit one of the goriest, more horrific mass Camelcides in the recorded history of the Levant.
The JoSox were out for blood, revenge, pain. We managed to keep our cool on the Slogs, and even in the stands. But there was no doubt: We wanted this one, badly.
The Camels were a different team this week. Apparently we thought it was against the rules to field the ball if it was below our knee caps. We will have to read the rules to confirm. The big problem was obviously our bats. There were strikeouts, popups, double plays (grr). While camels do not need much water to survive, they usually require a minimum of four at-bats per week to avoid bouts of depression.
The big problem for the Camels was the JoSox defense. Those strikeouts, popups and delicious double plays didn't happen on their own. Our D made them happen; the Camels were just nice enough to play along. The Camels only got 31 at-bats in 7 innings, getting a miniscule 12 runners on base, for a .387 average -- the lowest for a Sox/Monsters opponent since winter '07. That's 1.7 baserunners per inning. You won't score runs when you trot out that 0.7 of a baserunner. For the Sox, we had 53 plate appearances in only 6 innings. 35 got on base, with 4 sac flies (all RBI). That's a .714 clip (35-49), our highest team average since hitting .811 last summer...against the Camels/Trojans in a 32-8 win.
Even if we had played good defense, the JoSox were slapping line drives every which-way. I don't see how we make up 29 runs on this day.
Speakin' about hitting: Zac Bonifas, Tom & John Manning, Eric Atkins and Ali Lejlic each had at least 4 hits. Add to the list our 10th hitter, Katie Domian, who went 4-5 with 3 runs and a couple RBI. Every JoSox got at least one hit and one RBI and one run scored. At least. Eric led the way with 6 RBI, while Ali scored 5 runs.
For the Camels, Jeff Sillin, Aaron Bouchane and Mazen Nimri each went 2-3. Mohammad Zalatimo went 2-2 and pitched well. Guess who only got on base because he took a walk? Laith Barhoum. That's right, the plagiarist himself, the supposed Anti-Slacker and condemner-in-chief of all who draw walks. He was 0-2 before his last at-bat. He had to walk just to see what reaching base was like in this game. Nancy. (Have at him, Slackers!)
With a score of 28-4, surely the JoSox had a whole mess of walks themselves. Nope. The JoSox walked exactly zero times. None. Nada. Zip. 35 for 49 and no walks. Our green hat's off to Z-Man for droppin' us some hittables.
I hope that three minute speech you gave after the game while we were standing in line waiting to shake your hands was inspiring for your team, cause it sure was for me. Next game, you can expect a Haka Dance.
When you lose, you have to watch the other team celebrate. Get busy winnin', or get busy watchin'.
Posted by
Mude Sartawi
8:22 PM
Labels: Bitter Rivalries, Game Recaps, Jordan Cup
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6 Sox account for 24 hits--that's good khara Maynard.
One thing the Sox know is defense is NOT just a place to stand until it's our turn to hit.
A) Hawatmeh's bare hand play should be enlisted as the best play in the whole ASL History.
B) In my humble opinion, If the Nomads field their "A" Team they have a good chance of causing some chaos in tournament day.
C) Jawad Dabbas is still and will always be the captain of the Canardlys.
D) JoSox I love playing against you and next week ...You Goingggg doowwwwwwn babbyyy!!!
PS : Can someone update us on Nader's condition please,,
Maher aKa Thugnificent
The Canardlys would like to reserve the big field on Wednesday the 15th of July @ 5:00pm
Thank you
Maher aKa Thugnificent
Easy there, Maher. We've had barehanded catches before in ASL. We've also had an uassisted triple play, crazy diving (legit, Zaki) catches, four-throw relays to get the runner at home. There was also an outfielder who ran from right-center to catch a foul pop a couple feet from the 3rd base dugout. (You can't even drive that far in time!)
I love Tamara's D. She's awesome. And she's made your team 100 times better. Actually, she should be a JoSox ;)
with all due respect sir, what makes Hawatmeh's play #1 in ASL history is that she had no time to think, no time to react and she was so close to the play itself. Each Dive/Barehand/relays you are talking about had the time + the space to make it a good play...and lets not forget she is a lady ;>
I dont even remember seeing something like that in MLB. YES IT IS THAT GOOD!
Maher aKa Thugnificent
oh no..I saw something like that in MLB.
David's Wright bare handed catch..but even he had the time to think..
Bottom Line...#1 play I have ever seen in my whole softball adventure
Maher aKa Thugnificent
Maher Maher Maher...
Yer team the Canardly's are gonna get the same vowels the Camels got today.
A E I O U an ass whippin!!!
I Canardly wait :)
Itsssss onnnn!!
Next Week Offer : For every JoSox player who hit the ball pass 3rd base I'll do 10 Push ups!
Maher aKa Thugnificent
Before I proceed, I would like to say that it is YOU who should have the number one alias in ASL history. Thugnificent! Min wain... love it.
I agree with Mude, there have been plenty of plays to contend with, however to be fair I have not seen Tamara's bare-handed catch, im sure it was ill. Can we ever forget Thugnificent's slide into first base years ago?
Personally, Le Freak is a fan of bare-naked catches, but then again that was a friendly softball game down at Hedonism III.
Jeff, enjoying reading your comments on the slogs, and as always Mude, yours words just add excitement to my day!
What happened to the Nomads? One hit wonders? I recall the days when that name, Nomads, actually meant a W, carried a sense of pride! I have always wondered what it must feel like to be the runt of the litter, the gimp of the group...yalla NoNads, pick it up.
Le Freak
Le Freak (pErPEd oUT)
So you've seen all the other barehanded catches, Maher? Sheesh. Quit buttering up to the pretty girl already. ;) Nobody can blame you, though.
Summer '05, before you were born, a rocket was hit back to the pitcher. He caught it with his bare right hand, then threw to first for the double-up. Two outs in less than one second. This wasn't a flicked foul ball. It was a laser going 200 kilometers per hour. No contest. But Tamara's catch was damn nice, for sure, and definitely a Top 10 Jawhara.
Freak...There's talk that you're coming back this summer to don the red of the Nomads. Set the story straight for the curious Sloggers.
My suggestion for this weeks poll question:
During Mude's post game speeches I...
1. feel wicked inspired.
2. try to fart loudly.
3. am reminded of Knute Rockne.
4. wish that the other team was doing the Haka, because its cool, unlike Mude's "celebrations" which are actually just him talking, which is what he always does anyways so he should just hold off for a couple minutes to let the teams shake hands, and then give a few of the green monsters a chance to maybe sneak away in the milieu cause the feel embarrassed by the thought of inspirational speeches about adult coed softball.
5. am totally cool with it, cause I am a fully developed adult who can deal with defeat with dignity and just enjoy playing the game.
Anybody who can guess my position correctly will be allowed to join me in the newly formed Amman Softball League Haka Enthusiasts Committee to be known henceforth as ASLHEC (pronounced ASS-le-heck)
I must add what could possibly be the quote of the entire existence of the Amman Softball League.
It went a little something like this. I came up to bat in the 1st inning and the umpire says and I quote:
Umpire: "Foo Foo this isn't fair man"
Me: "What isn't fair blue?"
Umpire: "Your whole team knows how to play the game"
Me: "Watch and learn blue"
If any player called me nacy for taking the walk although the pitches were "FOO FOO" style who no one would hit anyway I might understand, but coming from some one who I never saw playing on the field thats funny man!!!
We kicked your ass last time and didnt even have to take our turn batting as home team.
Weird how you scheduled our games where were visiting twice out of the three times we play against you...oh i forgot Josox captain is also the comm. how convenient.
p.s and to make it spicer why dont you put you money where your mouth is and play we'd settle for you playing as catcher NANCY no problem
Laith Barhoum
Haa Haa Haa
Last I knew every fricking pitch didn't need to be on a platter for you Nancy's to hit it.
If being the home team is such a precious commodity to you Nancy's have it...we will kick your ass being the home team visiting team or the neutral team.
The sun shine's on a dog's ass every now and again Laith and that's EXACTLY what happened to you guys. No candy hops and ya'll can't field...
The best fielder on your team is that little second baseman gurl.
How bout next time we bring out the tee and let you guys hit from that??
And for the record Mude has played in a couple games with us.
Have your money ready for the 3rd game when we play...we prefer cash.
last I saw that "candy hop" comment was bashed by your own team captian "foo foo" hahahahaha
the challenge stands foo foo
or is it "soo soo" now???
August 7th...12:30 P.M.
Bring your hitting shoes Nancy...
Better yet, bring your fielders glove, afterall they killed a cow for that.
By the way my Captain was not at that game and did not see them big ole lollipop hops into the dead cows ya wear on your hand. The only tough plays were made by your 2nd basegurl. But that's the way the softball bounces.
We didn't leave no doubt yesterday and we will leave no doubt August 7th.
Absolutely my hitting shoes will be ready beats wearing a pink head band "foo foo", by the way ask an arabic speaking friend on who we call a "foo foo" in Jordan, i think it the name fits pefectly with the pink head band....wouldnt want to see what you wear at night i think that would be an ugly MF site...hahahha
This means your not up to the challenge I guess...too bad
I told you August 7th is your challenge...If you are SO confident in yer hump backed friends why does it not need to count in the standings?
Man up pal...Challenge is on August 7th.
Seems to me that you are not so confident that you don't want the results to count.
Maybe you are the one who should wear don't see me or my team taking walks.
I just hope that this last week game showed everyone that the slackers are hitters even when missing some key players.
First and foremost, thanks for the anniversary wishes. I can at least say that I was pitch red this Friday without having to wear the Nomads jersey. Gonna take the time to recover this entire week (won't get into details you dirt balls, especially after the talk about "scoring") This type of scoring is going to involve getting to home plate.
Nice hitting out there JoSox, it seems our beat down wasn't the only thing I missed out on. Missed out on a pretty exciting Friday after all the trash talking regarding walks, people not hitting blah blah blah. Hopefully this Friday will bring in the same action, and hopefully a change or reversal of scores.
I woke up to your damn message at 430AM but I must say, thanks alot for the anniversary wishes. Always good to hear from you cuz.
We haven't had a complete team once this season, not a single game and I'm not even sure if we do for this Friday, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
P.S. Your dives and theatrics are always number one in my eyes. Even if you don't manage to make the play, I love watching you in action.
Hat's off to your diving catch n' throw to first, I saw that up close and saw the effort you put in...not to mention the price your knee paid for it haha
I'll call you today to get all the juice first hand.
To Everybody,
Sharm is pretty damn hot and humid this time of year. Seems to me like the best time to visit is March-May. See you guys out there Friday.
Nomads Forever
Nomads, its been a pleasure playing with you again, I'm going to miss you all, though I think I have enough bruises and scrapes to ensure I won't be forgetting you any time soon!
Just a suggestion, but I think we need to kidnap "Tiny", and keep him as one of our own...
Enjoy the rest of the season..
No doubt.
...and for the record Jeff, never had any soliloquies about my catches. If they were mentioned or brought up, it was by someone else other than me.
Nomads Forever
Nomads and the rest of the league are gonna miss ya, especially how you managed to get on base 99% of the time.
Enjoy it out there in Costa Rica
Nomads Forever
Mude, what a handsome dude on your slogs this week. I imagine viewing numbers will be up as a result, hahaha.
Maher, 10 push-ups for every passed ball? Will you do 4 or 5 per day? What's the schedule? Don't strain yourself.
And finally, I'm embarrassed to confirm that I did in fact walk for the first time ever. I even swung and missed at a pitch and still walked. A walk in softball is worse than not hitting a tee shot past the ladies tees. It's like kissing your sister and then bragging about it. It's as useless as a glove on a certain shortstop during a relay throw from the outfield. I'm going to need to go to counseling now that I've been subjected to the horror.
The Imam
Thanks for the anniv wishes =) Sharm was nice, better than being out in ghamadan park on a friday! haha
Tammmmm you rock, I'll brag about your bare handed catch, because only you would do that...I would jump out of the way rock baby!
First time missing a game and we missed out on soooo much hahaha
Iman were gonna miss youuuu!!! have fun habibti!
shuk when ru cominggggg cant waittt to seeee uuuuu and harrasss uuuu hehe =)
see u guys friday!
Wow! I must admit I feel special! My name is actually in the SLOGS! Yay! Mude thank you for mentioning the bare handed catch which I was quite proud of. Secondly as far as being the best girls out there that's being way toooo nice! There are a couple girls on the Slackers team that are awesome and I think Tanya is one of their names and the JO Sox Girls are awesome too....
So are the Nomad girls! All the girls are great! Ha Ha Girl Power I think next season there should be a minumum of 4 girls on each team don't ya think?
Maher... My Kobe....My everything.... I love you! The best play! Wowzers!!!! I'll take credit for not even having a chance to think. My arm went up so fast and I gripped that ball so hard it wasn't going anywhere! But it flatters me that you think its the best play ever. Ha Ha
Zak Attack- I miss you man! We didn't see any flips or cartwheels out there however we did see your PITCHER rolling around on the floor like a cat chasing after a ball of yarn! Pretty hilarious!
Gader- Your the best cousin ever! Love you girl!
Frank- You deserve the best play of the season for hitting that awesome out of the park homerun! Props to that!
Mude and Brooke and Baby Declan- See you guys tomorrow!
Foo Foo- You crack me up! I canardly wait till you pitch to me =)
Until next week......
Tamara aka T-PAIN =)
below is Mark Twain's account of an encounter with a camel he had in Syria. I think the "mild and gentle statements" he refers to may in fact have a transcript to one of Mude's post game speeches. The metaphor is...well...accurate.
Mules and donkeys and camels have appetites that anything will
relieve temporarily, but nothing satisfy.
In Syria, once, at the head-waters of the Jordan, a camel took charge of
my overcoat while the tents were being pitched, and examined it with a
critical eye, all over, with as much interest as if he had an idea of
getting one made like it; and then, after he was done figuring on it as
an article of apparel, he began to contemplate it as an article of diet.
He put his foot on it, and lifted one of the sleeves out with his teeth,
and chewed and chewed at it, gradually taking it in, and all the while
opening and closing his eyes in a kind of religious ecstasy, as if he had
never tasted anything as good as an overcoat before, in his life. Then
he smacked his lips once or twice, and reached after the other sleeve.
Next he tried the velvet collar, and smiled a smile of such contentment
that it was plain to see that he regarded that as the daintiest thing
about an overcoat. The tails went next, along with some percussion caps
and cough candy, and some fig-paste from Constantinople. And then my
newspaper correspondence dropped out, and he took a chance in that--
manuscript letters written for the home papers. But he was treading on
dangerous ground, now. He began to come across solid wisdom in those
documents that was rather weighty on his stomach; and occasionally he
would take a joke that would shake him up till it loosened his teeth; it
was getting to be perilous times with him, but he held his grip with good
courage and hopefully, till at last he began to stumble on statements
that not even a camel could swallow with impunity. He began to gag and
gasp, and his eyes to stand out, and his forelegs to spread, and in about
a quarter of a minute he fell over as stiff as a carpenter's work-bench,
and died a death of indescribable agony. I went and pulled the
manuscript out of his mouth, and found that the sensitive creature had
choked to death on one of the mildest and gentlest statements of fact
that I ever laid before a trusting public.
Wow, Jeff. The only way you could have impressed me more is with some Vonnegut or Bukowski. Well done. That's the best post-game analysis that's ever been on the Slogs.
The only question I have is, How drunk were you?
Absolutely no sarcasm here: That was effin' awesome. (But I will not join your ASSLICK club.)
Iman: Your team will be lost without you. It's been a pleasure! Please stay in touch and drop ASL some more comments. Best wishes for you in Costa Rica.
Chad AKA The Imam: Looking at that pic again, maybe I'm NOT out of monkey references, after all ;)
Tamara: For everyone who thinks I jump at the chance to make perverted jokes, I could have said something about how it's second nature for you to grab balls and not let go. But I didn't. I repeat, I didn't just say that.
Gader: Zaki said he would spare us the lurid details of your anniversary vacation. But you can tell us the truth. It was all eating & napping for him in Sharm, right? :D
Freak: Your other comments will be posted soon. Brace yourselves, everyone. Shuk is about to drop some wisdom on us.
Ummmmm.... Shall I get mad? Shall I laugh it off? Shall I make a smart comment back! No I shall not but I shall say this....
You are a pervert!
Sometimes it's the only thing that keeps me goin', T-Pain!
Just remember: What one woman calls a pervert, another woman calls...her husband. ;)
Wow all that in just missing two Fridays ;) Well, I don't give a rat's ass about nice plays, dives, naked catches, balls, nuts, naked back flips, its the trophy at the end of the day.
Yes the Nomads did lose couple of games back to back, but I promise we will see the Slackers in the Finals... Sorry for the other teams, you guys aren't as good as you say you are...
Josox, losing to the Camels is bad enough, and Mude, don't tell me 2nd string nor 3rd string... oh and Le Freak or No Le Freak same shit different day...
Foo Foo, if you ever strike me out, I will feed you at Chillis for the rest of the season....
Camels and Canardlys sorry but my prediction is that you have too many people from all over and not synchronized
Slackers see you in the Finals... we will enjoy it.... Being last right now, just makes it more interesting at our journey to the finals...
Nomads baby....
"Hot Pants" Rihani
Hot Pants, you ignorant slut. Who said anything about 2nd string or 3rd string? The team we had when we lost to the Camels was the same team we had when we beat them the following week. (Actually, we were missing our best hitter, David Lopez, during the win!)
You said you'll see the Slackers in the finals. I've said this before: Yes, Nomad, you probably will see the Slackers in the finals...from the stands.
Rihani see you on the field dude thats all I can say....Your a nice bunch but I think the sun has gotten to your head.....scattered or not we I promise you one thing we will play at our best so you better put your act together cause either way these camel feet will be stamping all pver your cute little red shirts until they're yellow
forgot to say that comment was from me Laith Barhoum
hahahah Good all I wanted to hear was you admitting that you had your "A" team when you lost...
By the way, I'll be Umping Home plate for Nomads at 9:00 am this Friday...
Ladies and gentleman, we have witnessed our first volunteer for an umping assignment from the Nomads from no other than HOT PANTS!!! I thought I'd never see the day when someone would say, "I'm umping for game blah blah blah" I think I'm gonna go rejoice in some lunch now. No seriously, going to take Khoury out to lunch and toast with some freakin Pepsi after reading that.
Anywho, good to have you back Hot Pants, left side of the infield has been hurting without you there. Let's see if we can make up some ground on Friday.
Nomads baby, Nomads
the slogs make me happy! i love seeing all this drama and sh*t talking hahahahahaah!!!
Trouble wants some of this action!
I can't say anything though I kinda like u guys..but jo sox, get ready to get rocked this week. Nomads are back and heated!!!!!
mude i like how u called rihani a slut hahahahahaahah jkkk riaahannnaaaa hahah
Hot Pants
Do you really want to wake a sleeping giant? Was it really necessary to involve Le Freak in such rudimentary comments?
Rihani Rihani, my dear friend. Mude called you a slut, and Le Freak will put you on his knees and spank you like one (Gran Slam, that’s called a cherry popping spanking).
Good luck Rihani, you guys have serious winning to do. I never thought I would see the day that the Nomads would become the league’s worst team!
Le Freak
Grand Slam.
rehani talking about the camels like that, tisk tisk. dont you know we gonna turn your hot pants into crothless daisy dukes ! hahahahah
Neil and Laith, I'm really not worried about your teams, I'm sorry but its a fact, you guys just don't scare us enough to F#@K with our heads... Yellow shirts, daisy dukes, hot G strings, I don't give a shit... Kiss @#@%*$% I'll play naked and still beat both teams....
No for the JoSox and Le Freak, although the team is very week this year, I have to respect the Titles that the JoSox have won, and that's why we would be seeing you ladies in the Semis... Le Freak, I heard your A game hit the fan when you got to the US... Your still pumping Iron...?? Can't wait to see you out there baby... and you all can spank me all night long... ;) I unleashed Le Freak and He Unleashed My Mouth...
Hot Pants Rihani
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