Still time to vote in the Nomads poll (upper right, in the green sidebar). Email suggestions for next week's poll, which will start Saturday.
*The 3-out punishment for missing an umping assignment was put into effect after a unanimous captains' vote on Saturday, June 6, 2009.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Week 5 Preview: Cloned Ape = Rematch
9:00 AM
Canardlys @ Nomads
Umps: 3 Slackers
Note: The first 3 batters in the Nomads lineup will be automatic outs in the bottom of the 1st inning. (This is for missing their umping assignment for JoSox @ Camels on July 3.)*
Rematch week kicks off with the Canardlys looking for back-to-back wins against the Nomads. Will Jawad Dabbas's screaming ways alienate his teammates or accidentally lead them to another win?
10:45 AM
Slackers @ Nomads
Umps: 1 Canardly & 2 JoSox
Note: The first 3 batters in the Nomads lineup will be automatic outs in the bottom of the 1st inning. (This is for missing their umping assignment for Canardlys @ Slackers on July 3.)*
The Nomads start game 2 of the Jordan Derby in the hole, losing 3 outs and the Black Hole that is CF Zaki Ibrahim. MIA: Massarweh's leadership. All of ASL is holding its breath to see if the Slackers will actually swing their bats.
12:30 PM
Camels @ JoSox
Umps: 3 Nomads
The Camels, led by the bat (and mouth) of Jeff "Goldilocks" Sillin, are brimming with confidence after last week's defeat of the JoSox. They look to make it two straight, while the Sox hope to make enough adjustments to squeak by with a win.
Posted by
Mude Sartawi
9:13 AM
Labels: Bitter Rivalries, Game Previews
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Adjustments? How cute of you.
Are you going to activate Barry Bonds and the real David Ortiz (since the one on the red sox right now is an impostor) off of your 75 man roster? Or perhaps Robo-Cop?
Guess what, nobody on the camels really cares about your coy little understatements. Mostly because we take on all challengers with reckless abandon, but because this week we are all going to have vicious hangovers.
Either way, Friday afternoon we will brunch on the Josox's porridge, and somthing tells me it is going to "juuuust right"
Got that baby bear?
Got it, Goldilocks. But there's no need for your paranoia. We'll have the same team as the last couple weeks. No knights in shining armor riding in on a white (or green) horse.
You should embrace your team's status as one of the elites. I'm not buying your scrappy underdog speechifyin'. Through 4 weeks of play, the Camels & Slackers are the top two teams. That much is quite obvious (and we all know you had them beaten).
When I'm being sarcastic, I'm clear about it. This is not sarcasm. Take the compliment with some graciousness, man!
I am portraying myself as a scrappy underdog!? I see what you are trying to do here Mude! The ol' switcheroo.
Everything I have said has been pure, unadulterated trash talk. No qualifiers, no moral victories, no hats off to our opponents for playing a great game.
The Camels' mandate is clear. Berate. Eradicate. Destroy. Impale. Crush. Kill. Survive in the desert for up to 10 days without water.
When we win, it is because we are great. When we lose, it is because you walk too much.
If anyone is trying to reduce expectations it is you. I think a quick review of the comments section will reveal this.
Personally, I agree with you, we are elite. Now you expect graciousness for stating the "obvious?" If had gone up to the 1977 Yankees and said "Gee, I think you guys are really elite!" would Reggie Jackson have gotten all blushy and started to toe the ground and be like "ah shucks, thanks mude!"? No. He would have said "I know that you boob. Now get of my way. Their are women trying to fawn over me."
I gave you ample warning that the niceties were over. If you want to go back to the good old days when the only thing on this board were Zaki's soliloquies about his great catches, then you can delete my comments. Otherwise, you should probably get smart and send your team out to get hair cuts of their own.
This is shaping up to be a very good game.
Ramzey Nassar, Mude first off i just saw the pic of me and cool zaki for taking it and MUDE cool for putting it up kinda embarassing. But whats more embarassing is when the Nomads got their ass beat when Ramzey was sick and not there. NOt a big deal, zaki i still love you but i am not gonna lie 1 and 4 WTF. You guys are getting worked man. Tell your team to get their heads out of their a$$ and play. BTW i had a baseball game up here and I wore my NOMADS Jersey ahhahah. Nomads still are the shit zaki.
PS. Ghadeer your not helping the Nomads on the bench so take Rihannis spot cuse hes a bit*h
Ramzey AKA live the dream
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