Declan Sartawi, representing babies everywhere.
SLOGS WARNING: If you are easily offended...ah, you know the drill.
Slogs Note: The following is an email from Shukri to Mude, modified from a letter Shuk sent to his parents.
First off, I would like to extend my best wishes and congrats to Brooke and Mude on the beautiful addition to their family. I feel I speak on behalf of the league (most of you, at least) and Mr. Jawad, of course, when I say that we are looking forward to getting smashed and inebriated on July 1st, 2010, Declan’s one year birthday! Congratulations. Love, Le Freak. Now, to all other young couples considering taking this big step in life, please reconsider. I prepared this list for my parents, detailing my reasons for not reproducing. 1. Why? Is it supposed to complete me!? My ass. 2. Bad investment. The costs involved in feeding, clothing, and educating the SOB or DOB. Children under 18 are a major financial liability. 3. I have seen too many good parents have their lives ruined because of their “problem child.” 4. Drugs. This can range from having an addict daughter/son, legal fees, legal issues, DUI, vehicular homicide, etc. 5. Raising the child. Having to feed it, bathe it, care for it, provide a loving & nurturing environment (I just tasted my own vomit), advising, guiding, and being a responsible father really seems like too much work and, more importantly, a MAJOR RESPONSIBILITY. 6. Activities like sports events, rehearsals, ballet, piano, Disney World, theme parks. (I’d rather have two root canals and have all my wisdom teeth yanked out again). Wow, is there any time left for my significant other and I? What about “our” activities? Can I really sit through a high school game or a little league season? 7. Birthdays. Mine were fun, but my parents hated it, and for good reason. 8. Family events. Having to do the “Holidays,” taking the children to their grandparents, cousins, and other relatives that come out of nowhere. 9. Education. Parent/teacher conferences, putting them in a good school and keeping up with their school events. I did well in school, but I disliked it. Why put myself through that crap again? 10. Stress. The stress involved with having a child. He goes out to play, she goes skydiving, she goes to the beach, he goes climbing or traveling, etc. I would be concerned and worried about their wellbeing the whole time, when I’d rather be enjoying myself or relaxing. 11. My significant other. Telling her, “Honey, I love you, but don’t love them (the kids).” I’m sure that will not go over very well with her. 12. Golf. I would much rather be golfing than doing the father-son or father-daughter bonding stuff. Yes I can take them out with me, but … no. 13. People say it’s only 18 years that they are with us, then they leave the house. 18 freaking years! That’s like more than a fourth of what I am expecting to live. Is Obama going to bail me out? 14. Religion. If my daughter or son came to me saying they found Jesus, or the words of Mohammed are echoing in their heads, or Moses (never mind…haha), I would lock them in a room and beat the stupidity out of them. The last thing I need is religion in my life. 15. You ever see those parents chasing their kids in the mall, or their child is screaming and kicking in the restaurant, or crying in the bank? Do you really want to be that parent? I have always wanted to walk over to such parents and ask them, “Do you mind if I slap your son and shut him up?” 16. Patience. Raising a child, or just being around him/her, requires patience, which I do not have at all. 17. Sex. What if you want to be loud? What if the kitchen table, sofa, or washing machine are the closest convenient spot? What if we want to invite a third person? I’m just saying, kids get in the way of a healthy sex life. 18. Family name is not a good enough excuse. 19. “This is why we were put on this earth.” Do you also believe in Noah’s Ark? Not good enough. Or, “It will make you happy.” Everyone has his or her definition of that. 20. Divorce. Hey, no marriage is guaranteed. Kids just complicate the divorce.
Poll Results...
Bite me.

Slogsville makes the call.
Just for fun, let's look at the standings, using Roman numerals: I. Slackers II. JoSox III. Camels IV. Canardlys V. Nomads So the "V" stands for five, just as the Nomads had intended. OK, that's not exactly what they had in mind. In real life, Roman numerals are used to add a sense of legacy. In marketing, Roman numerals are used to "dress up" inferior products. You be the judge. Speakin' about the Nomads...
Former Nomad Ramzey Nassar, in the hospital on game day. Ramzey would've made it to the game, but he insisted on having his temperature taken rectally, and it took the nurse a while to find a big enough thermometer. (Glad it was all OK, Ramzey. Hope this teaches you not to call in sick again. And not to have Zaki snap a pic of you and send it to the Slogs.)
Speakin' about another Nomads loss, here's your Week 6 slate: 9:00 AM: Canardlys @ JoSox Umps: 3 Nomads (Not one, not two, but THREE.) 10:45 AM: JoSox @ Nomads Umps: 2 Camels + 1 Canardly 12:30 PM: Slackers @ Camels Umps: 3 JoSox You're on your own for predictions. Use the comments section...and use your real name. Don't forget to vote in the new poll. Top of the green sidebar. Do it now. Photo Credits: Shukri Saleh, Zaki Ibrahim.
Glad to be of service. I'll try to keep the pics coming.
Speaking of the many meanings behind the "V" in Nomads. V, meaning 5, also stands for the minimum number of players the Nomads have been missing in 4 out of 5 games so far...Sa'ad Kurdi, Fares Aloul, Khaled Rihani, Samer Sharaiha, and Zaki Ibrahim. So there you have it kids, "V" has a whole lot of meaning this season.
Shuk, man I won't even waste my time replying to all that because it'll need a blog of it's own. But hey, to each his own right?! I respect people's opinions, no matter how "extreme" some of this opinions might be. Gotta give it you though, my stomach hurts from laughing my ass off. Hope to see you soon cuz.
See you guys out there this Friday.
Nomads Forever
It's called COMMITMENT or lack thereof.
NomadsV reminds me alot of NomadsI if ya know what I mean.
Commitment is the key word indeed FooFoo. Gotta give credit to all the players out there who've shown that commitment.
Nomads Forever
I'm willing to bet 10JD that in five years Shukri will be drooling over his baby daughter. Or son. Or second son or daughter.
Just the smell of that fuzzy head and teeny fingers wrapped around his will vaporize that list.
Regarding #17, LOL, children make you VERY creative, which is lots of fun.
It's on, Shuk...
Kinzi Calls For Blood
If the above link doesn't work for you, copy-paste the following into your address bar:
If men were the ones who got pregnant...
From Maioush:
* Maternity leave would last two years….with full pay.
* There would be a cure for stretch marks.
* Natural childbirth would become obsolete.
* Morning sickness would rank as the nation’s #1 health problem.
* All methods of birth control would be 100% effective.
* Children would be kept in the hospital until toilet trained.
* Men would be eager to talk about commitment.
* They wouldn’t think twins were so cute.
* Sons would have to be home from dates by 10:00 PM.
* Briefcases would be used as diaper bags.
* Paternity suits would be a fashion line of clothes.
* They’d stay in bed during the entire pregnancy.
Zaki, I don't agree with you of everyone to his own opinion, I think Shuk needs a shrink, thats bullshit talk my friend.
Shuk, remember that using protection is not 100% safe, and you won't always pound a girl who is on the pill, therefore, and I really hope one day, that your Durex rips open and you get Shuk Junior by mistake, and hopefully you will beat the shit out of him. If not, i'm sure we can all give you a hand and shut him up when he is crying is ass off... If its like father like son, then you have a problem on your hands already with your listing of number 4....
Oh and I hope the mother is one of those African bush bitch who speaks only her native language... Enjoy Shuk, and wish you luck....
Oh and if you think of showing up this Friday, I will be naming my first at bat after your first Child's name...
Hot Pants
all the league needs to help find rihani's girlfriend a new man!
poor girl
Next time leave your name chump...
Hot Pants.
Zaki, I miss that loud laughter bro, here you go, laugh some more. Everyone, these are funny commercials I have come across over the years.
I agree with Maioush, pregnancy just look like an awful experience to begin with. We men have it soo much easier..
Le Freak
Hot Pants
My friend, where to begin? I must say I was expecting harsh replies from other folks, maybe a few from “family values” people; but from you – didn’t see that one coming. As for my opinion(s) or anyone’s opinion(s) for that matter, calling them Bullshit really does not say much about your character hot pants. Adults respect one another’s opinion, even when they do not agree.
“Pound a girl!!” Really Rihani, that’s what you choose to use, “pound?” And “African Bush Bitches,” so eloquent my friend, so eloquent and classy.
Ladies, I apologize for these distasteful and crude remarks made by my friend, Rihani (dude, what’s your first name again; I forgot).
As for your juvenile comments regarding my “Durex,” as you put it, ripping and resulting in “shuk junior” (very original), I will simply reply by paraphrasing a very dear, very smart and witty friend of mine, Mr. Samer Sharaiha. If I do end up with a son Rihani, I hope you end up with many children, healthy and beautiful daughters as well. So my son can come over and POUND THESE LEBANESE BITCHES all night long, all night long..all night long..all night long.
Le Freak
The use of words such as "bitches" and "pound" by Le Freak or any spokesperson of Le Freak Inc. is not supported or represented by Le Freak Inc. Any usage is made with humor and respect.
Now now boys, take a chill pill or two. The blogs are starting to sound more like some erotic novel written by a bunch of horny amateurs. Perhaps we can go back to talking about softball, wadaya say?
Nomads Forever
What's the over/under on push ups for tomorrow? I am gonna make you do 30 just from me alone.
My other question is will the Nomads lose their poofy little bunny tail and accept the challenge issued by the Slackers?
Shukri, glad it wasn't the family values folks from my blog who gave you a hard time...yabayay, I think Rihani sent them home quick.
Maybe I should have warned them it was a pushing-limits of R rated audience.
Patience is what you get when you have kids, and I was never fond of children until I had my own. Some of us gained family values by having kids. :)
Sorry mate, could you remind what your name is again and whom you play for? I want to put face with name.
I really do hope I don’t scare anyone away, on the contrary, I would love to hear their opinions; who knows, maybe I can convince them to give away their kids and follow the “Le Freak” way.
My replies are meant to be humorous, not scary. However, Hot Pants’ comments were just asking for a spanking, as I’m sure most will agree; and from the msgs I have received, most seem to agree.
As for softball, seems like the slackers are the new king pins in town, good for them. Should be fun playing against them. Nomads V. I voted for Vanquished personally; however now I am beginning to think I should have went with Viagra. With the current standings, Nomads need a cocktail of Viagra Cialis, and Levitra to RISE to the occasion, and be able to LAST the whole day. I hope they do, cause if the don’t, the next step for them is a HAND PUMP.
Le Freak (PerPEd oUT)
Anyone seen Maher or is he still doing push ups?
what up zakiiii
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