As promised, changes have been made to the schedule for weeks 8 & 9. Also, effective immediately, the position of co-captain is eliminated. You can do whatever you like within your own teams, but for the purposes of communication with the commish and discussions with the umpires, the Captain and only the Captain is the Dude. This is an issue of maturity and experience in league business. Some of the co-captains are simply not cut out for it yet. Finally, the Comments Section of the Slogs would like to extend an official welcome to all the hypocrites, idiots, whiners and jackasses. Welcome. I could blacklist those morons or instantly delete every comment they make, good or bad. But then a small part of them would die, and it's not time for the murders I have planned. Not just yet. Keep shooting yourselves in the foot guys. And stay classy, as always. Then again, maybe I'll randomly delete some of their comments, just to mess with them. Yeah. That's it. Friday, July 24 (Week 7): Camels 8 Canardlys 16 JoSox 35 Canardlys 7 Nomads 7 Slackers 14 Friday, July 31 (Week 8): 9:00 AM Slackers @ Camels Umps: 3 Nomads Note: This is a six-inning game and will begin with the top of the 2nd. 10:45 AM Nomads @ Camels Umps: 3 JoSox 12:30 PM Nomads @ JoSox Umps: 3 Camels Friday, August 7 (Week 9): 9:00 AM Canardlys @ Nomads Umps: 3 JoSox 10:45 AM JoSox @ Slackers Umps: 3 Canardlys 12:30 PM Camels @ JoSox Umps: 3 Slackers (Filling for Nomads) Please note: Nothing in this post is up for debate, discussion, vote or poll.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Change You Can Be Leavin'
Posted by
Mude Sartawi
4:00 PM
Labels: 7afartalis, Fatwas, Game Previews, Game Recaps, Schedule
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JoSox have the big field this Wednesday from 5:30 PM - dark.
When is the season over guys? and shuk..lets see where we can do the end of the season bbq, it has to happen before u go!!! give me dates, and I'll see what kind of pool party bash we can throw again..ha ha
I love the drama on the blogs btw...(i guess my name is trouble for a reason) loool...
Gader (one of the red)
Gader, we finish on August 14.
Say hi to your stumbling, diving, flopping husband. Heheh.
hahahahahaha mude!!!!
ok cool, lets figure out where we can do the end of the season going to be the nomads championship...bring it. Does little D like cupcakes yet? hheheheheeh
zaki says heyyyy
Gader (one of the red)
As I said I am in. i have the missing ingredient for the cupcakes Ghadeer, it should add to the experience of having one.
August 14th? I might be in Thailand; and no, not for the Ping pong show..Mude, is the Marine house doing anything?
I know we make your life hell on here ya Mude, bus what would we be without controversy…just another gay softball league.
Shukri Saleh
Religion is for the week.
If religion is for the week, whats reserved for the weekend?! Tilhas teezi ya3ni, in an MBA program and you still having trouble your wording?! All love, all love man.
Why don't you come over while Ghadeer makes the cupcakes and share your "ideas" on an ingredient or two. Mind you, if you get a flat frying pan right in the noggin, don't say I didn't warn you!
2 more regular season weekends and then the tourney guys. Lets make this worthwhile and have some cut throat games out there. Not speaking directly to the Nomads, this goes for everybody.
Peace out
shaif man...sbelling...marat I think ino its because im sober
7 days without booze makes one week.
However your spelling was somewhat weak.
You decide mate.
Looking at the schedule and doing some math...figured out that the Nomads still have a chance for not only 4th seed, but 3rd. Meaning we'd have to win the last 3 games of the regular season. I can already feel the fire this comment is gonna light. Just stating some facts people, you never know what can happen from now until the end of the season.
One fact is you play the that eliminates 3rd place.
Yes, I made that brash prediction for my teammates to make good on.
Who's the Imam?
and shuk...hahahahahaha
If I were in your shoes, I'd be making the same prediction, given your guys record. Like I said though, you never know what can happen come game day.
At this point, the only focus is on trying to play game 2 on tourney day then waiting to play the final, as opposed to the first and 3rd them, then the final. Doesn't hurt to be hopeful.
another fact is you play the that eliminates 4th place also.
YEAH YOU...hiding in Aqaba..I know there isnt much to back your trash talk..bus im calling you out!
I am calling your ass out...and Zaki kaman..agolak kMASSARWEH...
YEAH YOU...hiding in Aqaba..I know there isnt much to back your trash talk..bus im calling you out!
I am calling your ass out...and Zaki kaman..agolak khuri, Kurds and the rest of the lost nomads...
And thanks Gadeer for throwing a josox winning party, I will be sure to bring some Plastic cups (and thank for throwing a wrench into my plans kaman.ha)
So Nomads, does the little tribe have what it takes? Can the little red engine that canNT actually make ot to 3rd seed??
Here are the standing according to Le Freak Illustrated:
Slackers: Gold Medal
JoSox: Silver Medalhuri, Kurds and the rest of the lost nomads...
And thanks Gadeer for throwing a josox winning party, I will be sure to bring some Plastic cups (and thank for throwing a wrench into my plans kaman.ha)
So Nomads, does the little tribe have what it takes? Can the little red engine that canNT actually make ot to 3rd seed??
Here are the standing according to Le Freak Illustrated:
Slackers: Gold Medal
JoSox: Silver Medal
Canardlys: Bronze Medal
Camels: Copper Medal
Nomads: Camel $h1t Medal
Add insult to injury ya Massarweh, even Maher, Thugnificent himself, just called you boys out! what has happened to the world.
Le Freak
I said it before and I'll say it again.
If the Nomads Field their "A" team, They will cause chaos at tournament day.
But In regards to this season, Team Canardlys are 2-0 against the Nomads, So even if they "hypothetically speaking" managed to beat us. we will still have a winning record against them!
aKa Thugnificent
aKa "I'll Make it Rain"
aKa "Nomads Daddy"
aKa "I dare you to hit it to 3rd base"
You name it..Canardlys got it!
Ok..I'm up can't sleep because of how bad the nomads are getting bashed on on the blogs...loooool jk....
shuk...sorry hahahaha (I had no idea)...
hahahahahaahha the plastic cups.DD.
Maher, u da man.
I have an idea...
Even Maher has come out claiming to be a Nomad Daddy. Hada shiklo the "Nomad Mom" was the field bicycle cause the whole league has been making the same claim, Nomad's Daddy.
This is going to end up like another Anna Nicole Smith paternity suit.
Who is it Nomads? Do you guys know who your daddy is? Willa do we need to do some DNA testing.
3adi Gadeer, in the future we will have to coordinate better. Besides, with my injured back at the moment, I dont think I could have handled all three. Your "I have an idea" scares me...ha
Still no word from Massarweh...
Le Freak
Why is La Freak speaking...
Baby maybe we can get a special softball league for the injured and make you play in it... is your back that WEEK that you can't handle the pain son...
Anyways, regardless of what was mentioned by a lost soul, as Zaki said, we will bring our A game and you never know what happens on game day...
Cupcake Queen, stop with your bulshit cheering and HAHAHAHAH to everyone... this is not a beauty pageant, either stick to the NOMADS or find a new husband...
Hot Pants
Still nothing from Massarweh...
La Freak
Are you going to let a Lebanese defend the honor of the Nomads. Wain el nishama, wain el Urdun awalan!
Wain Massarweh, the protector of Aqaba. The once shinning beacon of Nomadic hope.
You were once the lighthouse ya Massarweh..shoo sar...
I think just as Massarweh's shoulder gave up on him, he's given up on the blogs to say the least. We're still waiting to hear from him either way.
I'll skip all the aka's and just name one,
aKa "I dare you to hit it to 3rd base"
Didn't you already shoot yourself in the foot with that statement?! Change it up a little, use some insurance at least. Maybe, "I dare you to hit it to short who'll underarm it to 3rd for an out" I mean at least something to give you full coverage, not just liability.
We've already discussed this plenty in person, no need for more. No offense ya3ni bas I must say this, khaleeha 3ala allah lol
Cupcake Queen aka MY WIFE!!!
Inti shiklek you want the rest of the break in period of the new bat to be use on your pretty head?! (no I'm not an abusive arab husband for those that have started thinking that) Either be a co-spokesperson for the Nomads or no speaking whatsoever like Rihani said!
hahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha o m g....I'M DYING...this is hilarious...
Shuk: well...I may be joining you on the green side since I have my husband and Rihani who want to beat me up...yuma.
Rihani: RNH...lool u need to take a chill pill or ill stick the bat somewhere where YOU WILL LIKE IT!!!!
me luff u.
Zaki: oh hess no. I'll beat you and rihani with your bat. I didn't say anything about the nomads!!! It's just fun to be the trouble maker guys...gosh. Don't you know I love drama...hahaha
Please refer to my post that saysssssss:
hahahahahaha mude!!!!
ok cool, lets figure out where we can do the end of the season going to be the nomads championship...bring it. Does little D like cupcakes yet? hheheheheeh
zaki says heyyyy
This is not shit talking...dont pick on me, i will hit u. U know i will...both of u.
Question for people with blackberries...can I put the blogspot on my phone as an APP????
Nomads brought their A team supposedly and if I need to remind you....
Josox 27
Nomads 4
A team with an F mentality, and F not meaning level of play...F for F#$@%STICKS
and still nothing from massarweh.
he must be in a board meeting.
Le Freak
Khalas itriko il zalameh lahaalo, I think he's had enough of bashing and being bashed at one point that he decided to call it quits on the least for now.
As for me, something just keeps me coming back. Shuk must be spiking the website with something, I can almost guarantee it.
kevin jump off a cliff.
27-4 Find a cliff inti...
This week...spit on the ground in disgust.
We will beat the Nomads like:
A) A red headed step child
B) A tied up goat
C) Like Shukri does Rihani
D) All the above
You slap a man, you slap hard enough where you take him back to his childhood. You slap so hard he remembers one thing, his father's slap. Right then and there, you are his father.
Come Friday, Nomads going back to their childhood
Kevin, I got the fire.
Le Freak
Hit me up after 5 tonight.
1) We'll try and dye our hair for disguise and try to avoid the beating
2) I recall talking goats being somewhat athletic, remember Adam Sandler?
3) I'll leave those two to settle things their own way
4) Faulty can opener, that's why we're having trouble getting that whoop ass out of there lol
Mind giving us an idea of you who are? I don't recall relieving my duties as the spokesperson to someone else?
ufff..hada Amer cant be that important if none of us here know who he is. Who is this child Zaki?
Amer N? At least identify yourself. So far, we know that your a coward who barks behind a fence.
Im glad to see that I got a reaction out of you, as we are sitting here laughing at you!
See you friday, tough guy.
shukri saleh
I'm just as clueless as you are cuz. Touching on another subject, perhaps you wanna consider converting, and I'm not talking about religion.
As of right now, there is no spokesperson for the Nomads. A spot in the hierarchy like that needs to go through Massarweh, Khoury, or me. Comprende?
The Golf federation, who is running it? Do we need a handicap?
Ive heard of the past trips to Syria, they say they turn out good and fun. If you have my digits text me, I dont have yours..
When is t-time ?
Do you need me to bring anything other than plastic DDs? Im getting some rum as well.
has anyone seen Massarweh?
Zaki, I still personally dislike some of your teammates, so shway difficult. And I im sure they feel the same way.
Completely understand. I personally thought it would be interesting to see you back with the Nomads for a few games, especially putting aside all the gibberish that's been thrown around. However if you choose not to, see you on the field either way.
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