--LATE UPDATE (The captains already know this):
9:00 AM
Camels @ Canardlys
The Camels will take an automatic 3 outs in the top of the 1st inning (missed umping assignment)
Umps: 3 JoSox
10:45 AM
JoSox @ Canardlys
The JoSox will take an automatic 3 outs in the top of the 1st inning (missed umping assignment)
Umps: 3 Slackers
12:30 PM
Nomads @ Slackers
Umps: 3 Canardlys (Note the change)
Before we get to the week's games, there will be a party...and you're (probably/maybe) invited. The Marine House at the US Embassy is having "Guest Bartender Night" and they've opened their doors to Amman Softball League. Free admission, cheap drinks. Info was emailed to each team. If you're a player and didn't get it, see your captain. Please don't call, text, or email me about this. It is not my gig. I have no more info than what's in that email. I'm just passing it along. (NOTE: Yes, you certainly CAN bring a non-ASL date. Just follow the instructions in the email.)
Speakin' about cheap drinks. Not in cans, bottles, jugs, kegs, travel mugs or brown paper bags. Not in anything at all. Don't bring alcohol to the ALLA Complex. ALCOHOL IS NOT ALLOWED ON LITTLE LEAGUE GROUNDS.
July 24
9:00 AM
Camels @ Canardlys
Umps: 3 JoSox
From Summer 2007, Bling Bling (Top center: Jawad, Saif & Maher; top right: Laith)
Both teams have their origins in 2007's disastrous Bling Bling team, which split into 4U2NV and the Trojans. 4u2NV became Bezzig & Lezzig, then Canardlys. The Trojans are now the Camels. There was an interesting unilateral "bet" made in the comments section. 10:45 AM JoSox @ Canardlys Umps: 3 Slackers
Maher searches in the dirt for his defense. A microscope would be helpful.
Speakin' about Maher...he still owes us about 56 pushups. Oh yeah, one more thing... Freak, you out there? 12:30 PM Nomads @ Slackers Umps: 1 JoSox + 2 Canardlys
An unidentified Nomad tried drowning his sorrows, but his sorrows learned to swim.
Jordan Cup? What Jordan Cup? It's beyond the point of plastering the Nomads on milk cartons and issuing Amber Alerts. We're damn near the point of making funeral arrangements. Man up, 'Mads. (Note: The player in the pic may or may not be one of the Nomads captains not named Zaki.) Notes: There may be schedule changes for the final two weeks of the regular season. Please stay tuned. Or don't. As always, I really don't care what you degenerates do. Still time to vote in the walking poll. As of this typing, Laith Barhoum is considered the walking mascot of ASL. Quite an honor.
cant wait to unleash the Madness on both the Camels and the JoSox. HRRRHRRR!!! GRRRGRRR!!
PS : you can trash Thugnificent as much as you want. But ya'll know that he is da bomb @ 3rd base!
Maher aKa Thugnificent
I'll Make it rain this Friday BABYY!!
Maher aKa Thugnificent
JoSox, get ready for revenge!!!!
Ahhhhh ittt smells like someone is going to get some whippin baby!!! (and its not me fyi)
Maher aKa Thugnificent
Reminder/Question/Note :
In regards to Slackers Vs Nomads game last week. The Camels were one umpire short for the 1st ( and maybe the 2nd ) inning. A Canardly had to replaced the missing ump.
Will the new rule be applied on the Camels this week?
Please advise.
Canardlys Representative on the Slogs
Maher: For their first umping assignment, the Camels were also late. All the other captains voted to forgive them for it that one time only.
So the Camels will lose their 1st inning of offense (3 outs) taken from the 1st batter in their order.
Thank you bery much..
Canardlys Representative on the Slogs
Maher: Correction. See your email. It's not decided yet.
Kinda bush league for you to bring it up this late. It was my team's game, I was there, and you didn't mention it to me then. What if the Camels were playing a team other than Canardlys the week after the late ump? Would you have brought it up at all?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but how many times did you choke on 3rd base.. Ask your captain(s), THEY KNOW!
Your 100% effort equates to mw giving,,umm i would say around 20%, and I'm being generous.
Party sounds good Mude, will try and make it if not in Aqaba.
Looking forward to seeing you guys.
all the best
Le Freak
Le Freak
Well, till now i'm jumping between 1st and 3rd due to missing players... so unfortanatly Im not getting the practice that I should... But with all that, i'm still promising the finals spot...
Le Freak see you out there..and remember to bring your A game...
If I'm playing 3rd against you at bat, i'll be waiting for it...
No assumptions, predictions, psychic readings or insights from my end at this point. I think I've managed to stay away from doing that pretty much the entire season seeing as how gloomy it started for the Nomads and how it has been since then.
When we haven't been missing players for 90% of the games, those 2 games when everybody was present are a sign that us 'Mads need to get it together somehow someway. If not for the regular season, for the tournament, and if not for the tournament then well...for next season.
For any of the teams that think we're pushovers from here until then, you're wrong. Fine our record until now is horrible, but that doesn't mean its the end of the Nomads for Summer 09. Matter of fact, it's given us a cold hard knock on our heads that we need to change our game and try harder. Like I keep saying every week, maybe this Friday we'll turn the tides a little, and what better opportunity than against the Slackers; which may I remind you have been the biggest rivals of every team out there, not the JoSox.
Maher, I'm telling you man, my camera is gonna be ready all the freakin time for those shots. Maybe the next one can be of a successful diving catch instead of the push-ups you promised everyone. You got the nads to be making bets and promises like that, gotta give it to you. Kind of tempted to do the same and see what kind of controversy can be stirred by making a bet like yours. So I'm curious if you have any suggestions as to what bet the Z can make? haha
Nomads baby, Nomads
i'm not sure how many camels were suppose to ump the 1st game but i can guaran-fing-tee you that jeff and i umped the entire game.
Bush League? I dont get it! would it really matter if we brought this during the game or after the game or yesterday ?
Missing an umping assignment is Missing an umping assignment.
For the record, I didnt bring the issue till now because Me and Jawad talked about it today.
and no, I wouldnt bring the issue if the camels are not playing us this week. But I will sure do, if one my team mates umped instead of a missing umpire. which has been the case so far this season
Zaki, how about..if the nomads win the championship , You do a full lap...naked? I'll run it with you if it will make you feel better.
Question : did you guys have your full team in the game you won?
Aaron ,
If my memory helps me here, The game started with Jeff behind the plate and both Frank and Bisher doing the bases.
~ Maher
aaron is talking about the Camels first umping assignment, which were very much on time for.
Ok, after posting I just noticed a few other posts and I can't resist, gotta reply.
My memory doesn't recall Rihani choking, a few minor mistakes here and there, but I honestly don't think that the man has choked like you're claiming. Don't like to step on toes much, but I do remember some choking coming from someone letting fly balls roll by, or even fly by left right and center. Not to mention another type of choking that resulted in the lack of effort out there to begin with...you know...the type that involves having to hold your breathe for 3-4 seconds before releasing. Some refer to it as lung exercises, I refer to it as not giving two s#@%$'s because the scoreboard is not in your favor. All this said basically in defense of Hot Pants; who despite ilsaano il lubnaani il taweel (YAAAAAA WISEKH), has proven worthy of covering our corners in the infield (Azar, if you're reading this, we miss your ass on first, and your bullet speed runs to get to first...can't forget those)
Case closed baby,
AKA Nomads attorney temporarily representing my client, il lubnaani il saafel, Hot Pants
Aaron: Sorry about the confusion. The lateness I talked about was actually during Week 2, not the Week 1 game you & Jeff umped.
Zaki: I hate to break it to you, but that WAS your full team last week! Also, what do you mean the Slackers "have been the biggest rivals of every team out there, not the JoSox"? Clarify that, please.
If my memory also helps me here, there was a game were Laith or Saif were late to their umping duty, and Mude had to fill in.
The game where you and Aaron umped was for the Slackers Vs Josox and I was doing home plate ;)
Mude, numbnuts,
Read again and you'll notice something I added after the part about missing people...I'll copy paste to save you some scrolling time:
"those 2 games when everybody was present are a sign that us 'Mads need to get it together somehow someway"
Basically this states, that even WHEN we had the complete team, we still didn't manage to put a dent in the other team, not even a scratch. Which tells you, common sense of course, that even as a complete crew, we're still f*$&%ng up. That clear now?!
As for the rivals comment, its stating that teams this season fret playing the Slackers more than they do the JoSox. Need it in more detail? We're used to what you guys do on the field, so is every other team. What's different is that the Slackers have upped their performance since last season and it's the orange that has people on their toes this time around more so than the green. Want an analogy to make it easier? Yankees came back to dominate for a while until the Red Sox re-surfaced and opened a massive can of whoop ass by being the first team to make a 0-3 World Series comeback. I think it's safe to assume that opposing teams fear them more than they did the Yankees simply because they've become accustomed to what the striped pajama chimps can do, habituated to it you can say...similar to our case with the JoSox. Walking or not, there's a new monster in town and it's not green, looks to me like its orange.
If The Josox Were the Yankees and The Slackers were the RedSox.
The Nomads are...The Nationals?
Close by no cigar Maher. Want a better comparison...Nomads are the Braves? Remember when they were called "TEAM OF THE 90'S" because they always performed even when they didn't win the World Series. By performed, meaning they managed to win the division, but only managed to close the deal and take it all home in 1995. Lately they haven't looked as bright as they did in the 90's. Make sense to you now?
Ba3dein one more thing, khaalis inta? Full lap naked? You're starting to sound almost as dirty as Rihani is. I'll modify it a bit and make a bet for this Friday...this way making it more intense since the tourney isn't for another few weeks.
IF the Nomads win this game vs. the Slackers, you need to kiss my cleats one by one.
*correction...Close BUT not cigar lol
Zaki, This Bet is as awful as Transformers 2!
what do I gain if the Nomads beat the Slackers? nothing! The Slackers beat the Nomads? also nothing!
I'll tell you what..You win tomorrow Friday, And I'll get Drunk..(happy Mude?) . (THATS IF AND ONLY IF THE SLACKERS FIELD THEIR "A" TEAM")
PS : Maher is Alchol-Free since 2004.
Maher, yahbal (in the words of O. Khoury),
Anybody gain anything from your push ups besides a few seconds of entertainment, no!!! Therefore you getting drunk would just make no sense whatsoever. If its entertainment you want, then maybe someone else should kiss my cleats if we win haha
Nomads baby
I dont want to be in MLB if I am Last in the standings ;)
Zaki, again I dont care who wins between You Peeps..
I do care that the Canarldys beat the Nomads twice this season though ;)
oh that wasnt the Real Zaki? lol Shit!
on my defense,I have been working and commenting on the same time
Zaki, The Real one...Mwwwa!
Maher I like your last comment LoL BEAT THEM Twice!!!
Walak fe3lan innak ahbal, its been me the whole time. I was just taking a minute to explain who Z is, for those that text Mude and ask.
Z, Zaki, Zaki Ibrahim, Z #13 from the Nomads. Still don't know who it is?! Balash, khush fi teezi
Bas deleting messages, 3ift teezi minnak
Nomads Forever
To replace one of my deleted messages: Maher, your guys wins against us were for the most part deserved and I never said anything that shows otherwise. More than happy to take off my hat to that. I do recall you and Frank stating the first one wasn't as fun though considering there were barely any reds on the field.
Nomads Forever
Like I was saying before the comment magically jumped off the blog and chose to delete itself...
Hyperlink, its the bright blue writing along with the BRIGHT blue writing it underlines...refers to the link that you can click which takes your browser to an external source showing you more information. Click on the Z on a blogger's account and usually that should take you to the profile which specifically states who that person is.
Thank you very much
Nomads Forever
Zaki, you half-witted horse's ass.
Don't nitpick my comments and then make glaring errors in your own arguments:
"Yankees came back to dominate for a while until the Red Sox re-surfaced and opened a massive can of whoop ass by being the first team to make a 0-3 World Series comeback." -Zaki
It was the 2004 ALCS, not the World Series. The Red Sox swept the Cardinals in that World Series. But I see the point you're trying to make. It's much more interesting to have another great team in the league. (Too bad that was never the Nomads.)
Since we're at the beginning of ASL's history (only our 7th season), you'd have to go back to the beginnings of MLB (1903) to find comparables. In that case, the JoSox would be the Red Sox or A's, not the Yankees. Canardlys would be the Yankees.
And your analogy of Nomads-Braves? Dude, the Braves were able to seal the deal and actually win a championship. Nomads? Nope. Never. Maybe the analogy for the Nomads is actually the 1967-2003 Red Sox. Some very good teams, but they always lost the big one in a heartbreaker*. (Summer '07, anyone?*)
Since the Red Sox actually made it to several World Series in that time (while the Nomads have only made it to one championship game*), maybe the analogy is the Cubs. They don't make it to the championship often (not since 1945), but they do manage to break hearts*. (Sorry, Maher...No offense to you is intended!)
*For those who don't know, in the Summer 2007 championship game, the Nomads were up 19-1 in the 3rd inning. The Traitors tied the game then won it after an extra inning. By far the biggest choke in ASL history.
And Zaki, quit bitching about people wasting my time with texts about the Slogs comments when you are by far the worst offender! Haha! :D
Sorry your highness, I meant to say the ALCS, I got into it by stating World Series when comparing it to a championship in the ASL. Kill the analogy why don't you by stating useless figures that nobody really gives a rats ass to hear about. You got my point when I was trying to state who the comparisons were made with. If I wanna compare Nomads with the Braves then no its not 1967-2003 Red Sox not only because its not as accurate as saying we're more similar to the Braves POST 1995 when they won the World Series. In other words, coming so close to winning others following that year but never actually doing it...but also because we've come from at one point being tied for I to now being V (you know since everybody likes those damn roman numerals so much, might as well put another one up)
And about the texts, plain and simple without going into it any further, whoever doesn't know who HOT PANTS, LE FREAK, KINZI, and Z is by now should really just go jump off a cliff, plain and fing simple man
Peace out
Nomads Forever
P.S. You're not really succeeding by attempting to pour salt into anybody's wounds by mentioning details about the Summer 07 championship. Why? Because its already been done, scar as a result of the damage.
You on the other hand as a JoKundara mish bas JoSox haven't really had the chance to bow your heads down to anybody else considering you've held onto the championship since day 1. But what about when your time comes to bow your heads and take off your hats to someone else, maybe like the Slackers?? You gonnna swallow your pride or just try to cover up a new champ's status by saying something like, "they walked to win it, bas thats all"
That's it, Zaki. Channel your energy here instead of the field. Rage, young man, rage!
Getting you riled up is my favorite downtime activity. It used to be Massarweh, but he doesn't exist anymore. We really miss him.
Here's another one for you: The Atlanta Braves started out as the Boston Red Stockings. So Boston is the Braves' mother, just like the JoSox are the Nomads daddy.
Rage, I say! RAGE!!!
You've analyzed things enough to realize that my rage is taken and transformed into energy that's utilized on the field, mainly the outfield. Not gonna waste my time and argue who's been who's daddy, the Nomads like the Red Sox have had their share of screw ups, especially this season. Am I arguing that, absolutely not. Am I telling you that everybody has gotten used to the JoKanader flexing and continuously pointing at the crown on their heads and is mainly focused on changing their game as opposed to wearing the crown, you're damn right I am
Nomads baby
Ah by the way, considering the history of the Boston Red Stockings and the now known as Atlanta Braves, shouldn't be some kind of connection and brotherly love considering the history between both names? Or is it just because you found an excuse to say "just like the JoSox are the Nomads daddy" ...?!?! figured that much
Nomads Forever
So that's where you get the energy for all those flops, I mean, great diving plays. Glad to be helpful. Please credit me with the proper number of assists in your scoresheet.
There was no room in Boston for both the Braves and Red Sox. One of them had to go. But you know I love you all like brothers and sisters. We party together at the end of every season, but there's nothing wrong with a little sibling rivalry, right?
Every time the JoSox/Green Monsters have lost, it's because our opponents played a great game and beat us, fair & square. Camels, Slackers, Nomads, 4U2NV, all of them. That even goes back to the Intruders team, which finished in 3rd place. So we haven't worn the crown since day one. Just since day 2.
On a serious note, I think the Nomads are stinking it up this season not because you have bad players. It's because there was no winter season to keep us all fresh, combined with the fact that you guys just don't bother to practice. Your talent, 1-10, is on par with both JoSox and Slackers. I wish you would just give a damn, as a whole team. This season could have been absolutely epic, though there is still hope for the Tourney. Please show up!
Nothing wrong with a little sibling rivalry at all. What's it worth though when one sibling hasn't been able to throw a good punch or two to the other side? Which basically sums up what I have to say about our so called "progress" so far in the season. Epic is what you get when there's 2 or more people on practice day from the Nomads, that's what I would describe as epic, which hasn't happened yet.
Thanks for the correction regarding the diving plays. Don't normally do this, but I'm going to have to take credit for at least "assisting" the team in that manner. You have your share of players that have done that as well such as your short stop. Or you want me to classify those as bunny hops or frog leaps? The man's got talent, so do certain other people ;)
Your wishes by the way are the same as mine. We'll see if any ears are listening by the time tourney day comes. I'll still give a damn no matter what, I know of a few others that do as well, hopefully the rest will follow suit.
Nomads Forever
Just remembered what I was going to post earlier...since you like lyrics here's a little something that Armored Saint wrote once upon a time haha...
Yea your riches have finally reached an end
What you call substance
I wouldn't recommend
You didn't gain the strength that lies within
I'm here to snatch your soul
The faithful ones don't pretend
Don't want to be some hero
You can bet your ass
I don't give a damn
Never did deny I was human
I am what I am
Underdogs underdogs
Underdogs underdogs
Yea I'm tired of you sneering at the top
Flaunting GREEN paper items you just bought
When ability is highly overcast
I'll stick to my vow to make sure that you don't last
Don't want to be some hero
You can bet your ass
I don;t give a damn
Never did deny I was human
I am what I am
Underdogs underdogs
Underdogs underdogs
Out to fill my quest
No contest for the rest
Nothing left undone
The lame will fall from number one
Hell your riches have finally reached an end
What you call substance
I wouldn't recommend
You didn't gain no strength that lies within
I'm here to snatch your soul the faithful ones don't pretend
Don't want to be some hero
You can bet your ass
I don't give a damn
Never did deny I was human
I am what I am
Underdogs underdogs
I am what I am underdogs
Underdogs underdogs
I am what I am underdogs
As long as we are being cheesy and quoting songs I am gonna quote my softball hero Nelly (I know ya'll saw his bomb and diving catch he made in the Celebrity All Star Game...that dude is a strait up baller)
You better watch who you talkin bout; runnin your mouth, like you know me
You gon' f**k around and show why the "Show Me" get called the "Show Me"
Why one-on-one you can't hold me if your last name was Haynes
Only way you wear me out is stitch my name on your pants
Don't be lyin bit**in and cryin - suck it up as a loss
I.. am.. number one - no matter if you like it
Here take it sit down and write it
I.. am.. number one
Hey hey hey hey hey hey - now let me ask you man
What does it take to be number one?
Two is not a winner and three nobody remembers (hey)
What does it take to be number one?
Hey hey hey hey..
Cliff Note for Zaki: We aren't afraid of anyone, and we still are #1--Just incase ya didn't get the theme.
JoSox haven't really had the chance to bow your heads down to anybody else considering you've held onto the championship since day 1. But what about when your time comes to bow your heads and take off your hats to someone else, maybe like the Slackers?? You gonnna swallow your pride or just try to cover up a new champ's status by saying something like, "they walked to win it, bas thats all"
Ya'll gave me a bunch of laughs after a rough day workin for Amo Sam...I owe ya!!!
Zaki I guess you weren't there when 4U2NV beat the JoSox/Monsters where EVERYONE on our team stood near home plate and applauded their effort that day and how we all went out together afterwards.
Yes we do know how to lose and accept it...but with us losing is NOT an option. :)
Props to the song, and hey, nobody ever denied the fact that you guys are number one.
For the record, yes I was there the day 4U2NV was there to celebrate and I applauded them as well. Trust me we did "NV" them most of the season because of they're spirit and ability to keep trucking no matter what the record. Oh wadaya know, "NV" there's those roman numerals again and none other than NOMADS V, NVing what they could be or could do. As for 4U2NV, they've managed to do something that not many teams have. I'll take losses all day long and accept them, it's just having to defend a team that almost seems like they dont give a shit that gets tiring. I'm not talking about anybody else but my team. Maybe I should just resign my representation of the Nomads and let each speak for himself. Agreed? lol
In all honesty, I'm done trying to take a humble approach on behalf of the red clan. Like I said, each one has a mouth and lips and can speak up if they want to. As for me, I've already taken my hat off plenty of times to each team that kicks ass out there, winner or loser. I'll say it again, been sucking it up as a loss and trying to be better as a result. Only way to look when you're down is up, am I right?
Peace in the ASL, I feel the need to "goos fraba" a few times
Nomads Forever
P.S. Z is now resigning as recent and temp representation for all Nomads with the exception of Rihani. Fend the bashing off on your own boys
Where is Azar? isn't he on your team? Or has he smartened up and realized that the Nomads are the league joke?
Yes, I have dropped a ball or two here and there. But then again I have never played sober. Im willing to take a few errors under the influence..hell, I still come up on top. However, the one issue I wont argue is my lack of effort and chasing balls, you are right Zaki as I at times can be selfish, I am bad like that..but thats why I love it when you chase them down for me..I just gave you a virtual hug.
Rihani, my C game is your A game. And as for being better all around, your not. My humble opinion that is. I know a mediocre player when I see one, and you Rihani are just there. Le Freak is Faster, Stronger, and better all around.
The Nomads have less than an ounce of dignity left, which is about the amount of Kush I brought back with me from the states. Zaki and Massarweh, you guys going to be able to carry your supporting cast all the way to the finals? Come on Zaki, your team is a like dead weight tied to your ankle; how long do you want to drag these losers for?
Lead them Zaki, lead them to a pond like little misfits and let them drown, don't worry; no one will fault you. See you soon Cuz.
Le Freak
oh no!! no!! no!! NO!! NO!! NO!!! NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!!!
This season..The Canardlyz are The Nomads daddys!!!
I would like to address an issue, and I do hope that I will find support amongst you people, as I'm sure this league is not mostly made up of losers, but of cool fun people.
The issue at hand is drinking. Now why the hell can we not drink on the field (and I don’t mean incognito), it just does not seem fair that a few, I will refrain from calling them what I think they are, ruining or pushing their ideals on the rest US. I understand that children use the field, however we adults are using it as well, as I recall its called ASL (Adult Softball League).
I have been told the missionaries and Jesus Freaks (I just tasted my own vomit again) are responsible for this. What gives commissioner of the league? Is this true? Are we actually accommodating a bunch of church people, who are inherently weak for having to believe in something higher than themselves.
I understand that some also bring their families with them and that’s wonderful, we are all in favor of making this league grow and fun, however “you” bringing your family does not mean “we” should not be able to drink.
Commissioner, some of us have been part of the Amman Little League for over 20 years, and we have always had to deal with missionaries and bullshitters, but we never bowed to them and at times we drove them away…So I am imploring you, enough with this
If I have been misinformed, please correct me.
Le Freak
Last I knew Jesus was yer "homeboy" how bout we keep it at that?
Shukri, it's good to have you back in Amman Softball. I will answer your question as the Amman Little League Baseball Commissioner (who is also responsible for ASL). Here are the reasons we don't allow alcohol in the facility. 1) As Amman LL Baseball is registered under the International Little League Association, we are obliged to keep their rules. Rule XIV(e) states that the use of alcoholic beverages at the facility is prohibited. 2) Nabil, the president of Amman Little League has said that no alcohol is allowed in the park at any time. 3) Nabil, Mude and myself agreed to this before the softball season and Mude clarified the rule in his June 10 post. So I hope that this answers your legitimate concern. If not, let's discuss it over a cold draft. Tom Manning
You guys have you ASL to Major league analogies all wrong. Allow me to set the record straight.
Nomads:Chicago Cubs - As an early member of the league, this team has a certain cache that can only come from being a dynasty. Although they are clearly inferior to their cross town rivals, they play with effort and passion, and have a rabid and dedicated fanbase. They should be defined by their consistent failures, but they for some reason they evoke a sense of nostalgia from the sporting community, so they carry more weight in the league than the historical record suggests they should. The team is a lovable as they are beatable. Also, they were probably cursed by a goat.
Canardlys:New York Mets - Although this team has had a few high profile stars, and a few fleeting moments of glory, they are really about one thing, parties. Viewed as an alternative to the straight laced, all business, sporting establishment, they are more of a cultural movement than a sports franchise. Unfortunately cultural movements are not especially good at winning games.
The Hit Squad:Montreal Expos - What ever happened to these guys? They were great fodder.
Josox:New York Yankees - This franchise is defined by two characteristics.
1. Their utter dominance of the sport.
2. They are run and operated by a confident, powerful, bombastic, unstable, apologetically perverted, mad genius. He is part Mussolini, part Judge Smails, and part Stephen Hawking (athletically). He controls his team and their image with an iron fist. He has his own media outlet and cannot resist using it to grandstand about his own greatness. He is unafraid to populate his team with soulless mercenaries, even if it draws the ire of public. Winning is his all consuming goal. Meanwhile, the rest of the league waits with bated breath to see if his more polished son can take over the team before his aging mind collapses under the weight of its own tragically derailed brilliance.
2a. Both teams have had pitchers who remind me of (or are) David Wells.
Slackers:Shooter McGavin from Happy Gilmore - Talented? Yes. Arrogant? Yes. Cheap? Yes. When they enter your field of vision, all you can do is try to go to your happy place. Until you kick their ass in the championship and get grandma's house back!
The Camels:Texas Rangers - (The baseball team? No you idiots! The heroes from Walker Texas Ranger.) Led by a wise, mysterious badass who drives an awesome car, these athlete-philosophers roam the desert defending the inalienable rights of man. They are peace lovers who are one with the earth, but when called upon, they are able to use their unmatched skills and toughness to annihilate the enemies of justice. Although there maybe moments of doubt, it is widely known that they will always prevail in the end, and that world order will be restored.
those are some very provocative comments you are making. Do you stand by every word as your honest to god, certified opinions?
Does a bear sh*t in the woods?
Enough said with Jeff's comments. Jeff, your post has without a doubt made my day, my night and even my weekend. Couldn't have listed the analogies any better. Took the words out of my mouth actually, I've always known we carry more weight in the league than what our record shows. We might be 1-5, but somehow I believe that we hit the field and play as if we're 5-1. Won't jump ahead of myself and say that every single Nomad thinks this way, but it would be safe to say that most do, a true Nomad does.
True Nomad, "RED on the inside and out"
you just won Post of the year award!
PS : Funk me, Does that mean I get to be David Wright?
PSS : you nailed it with the JoSox = Yankees Comparison.
PSS : See..There is a reason why i love them Nomads!
I love the comments guys, they are really funny...
But couldn't ignore our stuck up friend La Freaky Bi#@.... "La" suites him better...
La Freak, I don't blame you for being an ignorant f@$#...I'm sure its whoever brought you up who needs a beating... man no wonder you don't want to get married nor have kids, I'm sure you wouldn't want another La Freak ending up a failure to society my friend... Don't worry we all understand your sympathy and what your going through... I am willing to start a fund for you my friend, I will be collecting a dollar from ASL players, for your broke ass to get you to Rehab for all your addictions and psychopathic thoughts..Dr. Phil might help as well....
Again I don't blame you... Its ok, If you were my son, I would also throw your ass on the streets to sell...;)
By the way, I wouldn't be comparing me to you my friend, your fielding speaks for itself...Any day B#$H bring it...
Rihani Hot Pants "La Freak's Daddy"
The V in Nomads stands for Victory
and thats whats gonna happen for the
rest of the season.
NV Forever
Shukri, I am sorry if I have ever inspired nausea from an overly-public display of religious-ness.
I don't recall ever talking about faith with anyone at ASL (except Mude, and darn, he just kept laughing), and truly, that makes me unworthy of the label of Jesus Freak. Weak, maybe; bull** , not intentionally; uncool, sometimes, but not I'm sure if the other shoes fit well enough to wear them, ya know?
I don't know who your sources are, but many of us Jesus Freaks will drink on occasion (oh my, we play cards and dance too!)and I've never heard of any church folks saying an extra rule has to be made to keep people from drinking at the park.
If anything, it would be in deference to the majority in Jordan not to, not my crowd. As Tom said, Nabil made the rule.
ASL is just a great place for Imams, Pastors, Heretics and Freaks of All Kinds to gather and enjoy the game. Watching your ability as a player made any language blips worth it.
Also, if my parenting post was taken in anything but good fun - you will notice no one came over to say anything!
It's an honor to be a freak of a different sort with you, Shukri ;)
Shukri, I am sorry if I have ever inspired nausea from an overly-public display of religious-ness.
I don't recall ever talking about faith with anyone at ASL (except Mude, and darn, he just kept laughing), and truly, that makes me unworthy of the label of Jesus Freak. Weak, maybe; bull** , not intentionally; uncool, sometimes, but not I'm sure if the other shoes fit well enough to wear them, ya know?
I don't know who your sources are, but many of us Jesus Freaks will drink on occasion (oh my, we play cards and dance too!)and I've never heard of any church folks saying an extra rule has to be made to keep people from drinking at the park.
If anything, it would be in deference to the majority in Jordan not to, not my crowd. As Tom said, Nabil made the rule.
ASL is just a great place for Imams, Pastors, Heretics and Freaks of All Kinds to gather and enjoy the game. Watching your ability as a player made any language blips worth it.
Also, if my parenting post was taken in anything but good fun - you will notice no one came over to say anything!
It's an honor to be a freak of a different sort with you, Shukri ;)
Always opinionated...
#10 in the program
#1 in your heart.....
Shukri "LeFreak" Saleh
Another day in paradise eh "mads?
Camels will be using the big field for pactice on Tuesday July 28th at 5:00
Sorry we would like to change that to Monday the 27th at 5:00 pm.
So what is your obsession with "my children." Do you like little boys? Is that your thing?
I don’t mind the back and fourth banter, it is good fun. However Rihani keep in mind that you and I are not friends, but acquaintances, if that. So refrain from using words such as B@$%H, ignorant, or any other derogatory term when addressing me. You want to go with arrogant, you want to say that I am rude, or an ass go ahead…but keep in mind there is line and only friends cross that line.
Broke ass? Addictions? Psychopathic? Care to explain?!?
Ill pass on the beer. As for your reply, and thank you for replying, I do not see why ASL is associated with the Amman Little League. If it’s an issue of using the fields, I’m sure something can be worked out with regards to their use.
Several people have informed me that this Nabil is responsible for the rule. I really have not heard a lot of positive things with regards to Nabil and the running of the Amman Little League, so why give him a voice in our league.
I have been a member of the Amman Little League, as have many of the players in the ASL, since t-ball all the way seniors. There were plenty of teams, there were grill outs, parents came and they all came to each game. This does not exist anymore; I have talked to several coaches and players who tell me the Amman Little League has become a joke. There is no doubt the league has gone down hill under the watchful eyes of Nabil. Maybe its time for a change.
Mude, since the two previous polls came out with clear results, lets have another poll: WHO WANTS NABIL TO BE REPLACED AS AMMAN LITTLE LEAGUE COMMISSIONER?
Shukri Suhayl Saleh
Your parenting post was taken in good fun, nothing less.
Shukri Saleh
(***For those readers that do not know what ALLA stands for, it is the abbreviation for Amman Little League Association and not a capitalized reference to God***)
I would like to emphasize the fact that the relationship between both should simply be limited to the usage of the same field. There's alot of people lately that keep throwing out the question, "what the hell do a bunch of adults having fun in a softball league have to do with the Amman Little League Association?" or other questions such as, "What does their league have to do with ours? Most if not all adult softball leagues in other parts of the world are a completely separate entity than any other league?"
Given questions such as these, not to mention my own curiosity, why is it that the softball league has to continue being under the little league's umbrella and what is it going to take to separate both?
May I also remind everybody that most of the maintenance, upkeep, work on the field to keep it safe...whatever you wanna call it...is taken on be members of the ASL. On rare occasions have I actually seen help or funding from ALLA that has made a considerable difference in the condition of the playing field. Which brings about another concern, where's all the money that goes into registration and team fees from ALLA?! Is there anything being used on the field itself to show that there's something else being done other than throwing rules and regulations out left right and center?! Since ALLA seems to have priority over the field, both its rules and its physical condition, how about taking some time to hire people that will remove countless rocks from the field. Or how about putting up a better scoreboard for the leagues to use rather than something that looks like remnants of a scoreboard from the Flintstones. Ah wait, someone from the ASL will probably take action on those issues before anybody from ALLA does. ASL shouldn't have to be subjected to watchful eyes that say "do this and don't do that" especially when the only thing that ties the leagues together is the field we play on.
...or in other words, make it seem like there's at least some sort of progress or effort on Amman Little League side besides raising the registration fees each year before expecting other leagues to operate and run by your set of rules. For those members of ALLA, please don't be offended by the remarks and claims that have been made here. They've all been stated in good faith and in order to clarify things for everybody concerned. This is after all, ammansoftball.blogspot.com and not alla.blogspot.com.
Since you guys know Nabil (or have the means of getting in touch with him) why don't you email him and tell him how you really feel.
We have a place to play don't we?
Large mug of STFU anyone?
Shuk shuk shuk, my "acquaintance" well when you come down on my team like that, to be exact, when you told Zaki and Massarwieh, "when are you guys going to stop carrying these losers on your back" I do believe that is directly speaking to the team. Me being part of the team, and not giving a Shit of your feeling that I hurt, I was willing to write down what I felt. Now if you want to have an attitude with me, and teach me how to talk to you, all ethically and with no hard feelings, just remember its called trash talk son, if you were never up for it, you shouldn't have continued.
For Zaki's sake only since your his cousin, i will respect your words, and refrain from using big words that will hurt your feelings..
Hot Pants
Re-read my post again
Trash talk all you want..this is why the blog is here. And as I said, its all in good fun. knock yourself using loser, or nancy, or arrogant...etc. But as I said, B#$%h and other similar terms is not something I throw around and don't expect thrown at me.
are there any plans for an end of the season grill out? a few players asked if we are thinking of throwing one
Let me know, maybe we can have one that includes all teams...
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