Monday, July 2, 2007

Hey, I've lost my stutter. It's gone. I can speak.

- K-k-k-Ken

Beat the beats, the beats you beat
The only thing harder's the smell of my feet

- “I’m The Man” by Anthrax

Revenge is a dish best served after it simmers for 119 days.

Everything went the Slackers’ way on Friday, as they avenged last season’s collapse against the Beats. As promised, they didn’t kill themselves by issuing walks and didn’t kill each other by…well, not killing each other.

Laughing off the Traitors' lame attempts at using orange in their uniforms, the Slackers unveiled their new threads with style--and a new commitment to teamwork and a mostly chilled out attitude. The Beats showed up in their Goodwill best, having threatened Winner's with a surgical airstrike after botching their uniforms order. (I'd stay away from the Jabr Complex if I were you.)

Speedy Daniel Rubenstein scores in the 1st inning for the Beats.

This was a tight game early on, 7-4 in favor of the Slackers after three innings. But a scoreless top-half of the 4th for the Beats, followed by a ten-run Slackers outburst in the home half, effectively put the game out of reach.

And they looked good doing it: Slackers tolerant after win.

The women of the Slackers kept rallies going on offense, as is their habit, and played effective defense. On the other side, Gunny Diaz continued to make his case for League MVP, driving in teammates Todd Cyril and Rofelio Grinston with his sixth-inning triple. (In case you hadn't noticed, that's our video highlight of the week. Much more of that going forward.)

Beats capitana Marikay Satryano is tired of losing, but she kept it all in perspective by reminding herself that this is all being done for a great cause. Will shaking up her lineup cure her on-field blues?

The next meeting between the Beats and Slackers will be on July 13th at noon. Next week, the Slackers drop in on the Stars, and the Beats say hello to the Eagles.


Anonymous said...

How can we win this game? I know lets not put our dugout in until we secure the win. What’s up with that guys come one?

Originally posted on July 2 @ 8:04 PM. Moved by Mude from the wrong post.

Anonymous said...

Myde the above coment that you moved from is for foo and big ez for their game and nots ours as we are a team players and all our dougout plays. I would appreciate it if you put it under their page

Mude Sartawi said...

The "we" confused me. To be honest, I didn't understand a word of it.

Anonymous said...

Mude Can you move the comment that is above yours as it is full of spelling mistake sorry for that buddy.

Anonymous said...

Translating a team-MATE:

Comment 1 by our very own Wazabi: Is a reference to the "Traitors" ('s') tight strategy of setting their "dugout subs" aside until the game was (more or less) secured!! I believe he meant it as a hint of their lack of team-work and an insinuation to their somewhat cocky (un-fun) attitude towards the game!! Especially that these "dugout players" are there for the same reason every goes on Firday: TO PLAY! And that they paid like everyone else! And they were actually invited to join the team! I dont know, thats what I think he meant..Just a thought...

Comment 2: By "Myde, he meant Mude (or MY dude)..nots should read "not" (or NUTS if you prefer)..the words "team players" is "players' team"..and he prefers to use as little "m"s as possible..

Mude Sartawi said...

Don Luigi, you are a wise and generous man. And you are now ASL's official Wazabi-to-English tranlsator.

Anonymous said...

Don thanks for helping Mude you hit it right on the spot. You see MUDE that wasn't hard to understand. As you should know by now that the slackers are team players
.P.S i take the blame for not being sober when writing even though it was easy to read and straight to the point.