-No refunds. Consider your refund escaping this death trap with your lives!
From the movie Semi-Pro
-Monkey boy.
From the movie Slackers
-We can be as different as we wanna be, but you can't kill people!
-Says who!? I'm good with the Lord.
From the movie Monster
-Now go home and get your fuckin' shinebox.
From the movie Goodfellas
GAME TIMES HAVE CHANGED! (Updated Feb 17 @ Noonish)
We're pushing back the start times by just a few minutes to accommodate Little League, who will use the field for practice on Friday mornings.
Feb 19:
11:00 AM: ELE La Calle @ Slackers (Umps: 2 Monsters)
12:15 PM: Green Monsters @ Slackers (1 ELE + 1 GoodFella)
1:30 PM: Green Monsters @ GoodFellas (2 Slackers)
Comment moderation has been lifted. You're free to air it out. Have at each other.
Seriously, you shortbus riding halfwits. Get mean. We miss the mean!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Bears! Laziness! Murder! Shoeshines!
Posted by
Mude Sartawi
12:39 PM
Labels: Game Previews
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I am just going to go ahead and say it. I know that none of you have been about to stop thinking about it either. It is the elephant in the living room, and we all just need to acknowledge it...
The only way that the outlawing of Ryuji's graceful and electrifying pitching motion was not a complete embarrassment to adults with fully functional motor-skills everywhere, is if he had been completing his Hideo Nomo imitation by unleashing a 93 MPH fastball at the batter's ear. The idea that any windup that results in a fluorescent yellow, 12 inch softball being gently lobbed at 15 mph with no discernible spin towards a target approximately the width of the sweet spot of a baseball bat could somehow be deceiving is beyond preposterous.
That wind-up was pure artistry, and the attempts to ban it are censorship. I, for one, am outraged. If it were not for the fact that he pitched much better without it, I would have filed an official protest with the league office.
What do you have to say for yourselves ASL? Are you proud of your attempts to crush ELE's free spirit?
Mude, I call for the legalization of the free style windup, if for no other reason, then to preserve out own dignity!
Self righteously,
As long as the ball is presented (which from what I saw it was) and as long as one foot is in contact with the pitching rubber all is good.
He isn't trying to maliciously fool a batter so whoever has PMS over this should just let it be.
I would say many people who play in the ASL don't know the first thing about ASA sanctioned rules.
The rules that Mude has made is simply to help the people in the league (in real ASA a ball that lands on the plate is NOT a strike) nor in many leagues in America is there a mat like we have.
I could go on and on but I will stop now.
Respectfully submitted,
Foo Foo
I second that Ryuji's pitching and dancing with the stars like poise should be allowed to stay. He was asked to change his style 3 times to accomodate the artisically challanged. It was like watching an opera where his pitching was like the ballet and rory's obseneties from the outfield acted as the moving and powerful tenor.
If Ryuji's pitching can remain in its purest and origional flowing form we will be unstoppable. I think this is just a conspiracy to try to create challanges for the leagues most athletically talented and best dressed team....
Bring back the cowboy hat Neal...it was by far the best uniform accessory seen in the history of the ASL.
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