Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Summer '08 Opening Day

Friday, June 20, 2008 10 AM: Jawaher or the Dragons or Formerly 4U2NV @ The Team in White Featuring Le Freak (UPDATE 7/7/08: This ends up being Bezzig & Lezzig @ JoSox) 11:30 AM: No-mads IV No-Shukri @ Trojans 1:00 PM: Trojans @ Slackers Registration: Please get with your captains and be sure you pay your registration fee this Friday, June 20. ASL will not chase people down: IF YOU DON'T PAY, YOU WON'T PLAY. Bats: After some research, many of the bats we thought were illegal are actually legal. (Saif's home run stands!) If you wish to buy a bat for personal use, please make sure that it is STAMPED with ASA's approval. (What is NOT OK: NSA, USSSSSSSSA, ISA, "Official Softball," etc.) Only ASA bats going forward. This has been in our rules since we started Amman Softball League. It's a safety issue. No whining about it, please. (Blame Eyad Zoubi of the Nomads for being the first person in ASL's six seasons to ever ask the ump to check the legality of a bat. And this was after a home run during a freaking scrimmage game.) Sportsmanship: If you want to complain about a call during a game, hold your tongue. Be cool and don't embarrass yourself or the league. Finally: READ THE RULES. They're the same as last season. (Look in the Downloadables section, on the right. UPDATE: The link has been fixed. Thanks, Karim! A single click will now take you to the download page.) Good luck, play hard and be safe. It's wide open this season. Anyone can take the trophy.


Anonymous said...

Hi Mude,

After authorization from our Team Captain Omar Khoury, the Nomads have Officially become:

"No-mads IV No-Shukri"

Please edit as necessary.


O. Not Captain of the No-mads IV No-Shukri

Anonymous said...


Thank You Commish for organizing the whole thingy!

Lets have Fun Peeps!


Anonymous said...


Tonite is the nite. I will email you a number to reach me at so we can keep in touch that way.

You BETTER not leave until I am back....We are gonna have roasted Nomad for dinner.

July 25th I shall return to the field, jet lagged and all.

Thee FooFoo

Mude Sartawi said...

Hold the yogurt sauce, FooFoo!

Anonymous said...


Enjoy the trip my friend, and the onion. I'll hold on to your bat till you get back, and the mound.

We'll have Nomads and WhINE for dinner...

Le Freak

Anonymous said...

Did we win?

No yogurt sauce Mude...heavy on the cayenne...


Thee FooFoo