Monday, March 24, 2008

Alter Ego


Anonymous said...

Hang in there Mude (& Brooke!)

The Red Cross actually has a program to assist you in kicking the habit, do you want their number?

Mude, (and anyone else interested) did you know that Justin from Green Monsters plays a MEAN bass guitar? Nuthin 'air' about it.

He is organizing a night of rockin' worship at the church Big Toe pastors this Thursday at 7:30 (not a 'church' service, two hours of music and prayer). He is just as amazing as Leader of the Band as he is on the field.

We Mude & softball fans there would even dedicate a pray for God's help in putting down the death stick. :)

(It will be at the Baptist School High School auditorium)

Maher said...

Youuuu Cannn Dooo Ittt!!

Anonymous said...

No one likes a quitter.....

Especially one that bums smokes from you....

Anonymous said...


Transitive verb 1: to gain or acquire by force of arms : SUBJUGATE (conquer territory) 2 : to overcome by force of arms : VANQUISH (conquered the enemy) 3 : to gain mastery over or win by overcoming obstacles or opposition (conquered the mountain) 4 : to overcome by mental or moral power : SURMOUNT (conquered her fear) .

Intransitive verb: to be victorious.

Synonyms CONQUER, VANQUISH, DEFEAT, SUBDUE, REDUCE, OVERCOME, OVERTHROW mean to get the better of by force or strategy. CONQUER implies gaining mastery of (Caesar conquered Gaul). VANQUISH implies a complete overpowering (vanquished the enemy and ended the war). DEFEAT does not imply the finality or completeness of VANQUISH which it otherwise equals (the Confederates defeated the Union forces at Manassas). SUBDUE implies a defeating and suppression (subdued the native tribes after years of fighting). REDUCE implies a forcing to capitulate or surrender (the city was reduced after a month-long siege). OVERCOME suggests getting the better of with difficulty or after hard struggle (overcame a host of bureaucratic roadblocks). OVERTHROW stresses the bringing down or destruction of existing power (violently overthrew the old regime).

You can CONQUER!

4U2NV Stitch ;)

Anonymous said...

Did we really just get an invite to a Church?!?!

Le Freak

Anonymous said...

Le Freak, yea, I hope that is ok and no one is offended.

I thought since you all had seen those Green Monster church men at bat, you might like to hear them rock, too.

It's probably the first English language Christian rock concert in Amman, ever. I don't think Layalina will be covering it, tho. :)

Anonymous said...

Offended..not at all..I just enjoy ripping religions.

My father is a Christian and my mother is a Muslim, so I hope you dont think I am one sided in my ripping.

Enjoy your rocking night.
Hope to see you guys at the grill out.

Le Freak

Anonymous said...

Shukri, you are an 'equal opportunity ripper', now that is cool and quite fair. I'm not much into religion myself. :)

It WAS when is the grill out?

Anonymous said...

You know what Shuk? I am curious!
This combination is not likely to happen Jordan! I now a lot of people who have the situation the other way round... Christian mother and muslim father... which is quite common...Actually I thought it was impossible to have it the other way round!!!!!

4U2NV Stitch ;)

Anonymous said...

Something tells me Shuk is pulling our legs...

Whatcha think Stitch?


Anonymous said...

Well Foo Foo, there must be some reasonable explanation somewhere out there...I guessssss... We're all ears!

4U2NV Stitch ;)