Round 1:
4U2NV 12, Hit Squad 11
Trojans 20, Nomads 16
Slackers 26, 4U2NV 13
Green Monsters 22, Trojans 14
Green Monsters 16, Slackers 7
Coming upthis next week:
4U2NV 12, Hit Squad 11
Trojans 20, Nomads 16
Slackers 26, 4U2NV 13
Green Monsters 22, Trojans 14
Green Monsters 16, Slackers 7
Coming up
Full, Team-By-Team Season Recap
Video Highlight of the Season
All-Star Game Recap
History of Amman Softball League
Summer 2008 Season Info
If you have pics or video you'd like to have included, please email me. The email address is on the right side of the Slogs.
Congratz Monsters! Hardluck to other teams!
Summer season will def be more interesting!
Great Season everyone!!
And Thanks Mude for Coordinating this League. Thank You!
Hey Mude, gerat day it was out there!! I meant to ask you if you ever saw my tribute to you:
Wow, Kinzi! Thanks for the kind words and encouragement. And thanks to all of ASL for your patience with me!
(To Suzy, who accused me of having a cigarette, offering as proof the fact that I smiled: I'm still clean & sober, baby!)
Great job monsters :0)
The season was just lovely :0)
And way to go Mude :0) I wish you would convince my parents to quit smoking too ;)
4U2NV Tamy
Hehe.. by the way 4u2NV made a new word in honor of Tamy, you know, after she took an accidental hit to the face trying to catch Saif's fly ball (we love you Tamy and salamtek!) For the record, she never looked like more of a tough cookie then in the moments after the injury!
Its "getting tammied," or "pulling a tammy," meaning, getting hit by the ball in a very rough way, often including a bloody wound on the face.
Don't get Tammied out there! :D
I didn't see Tamy get "Tammied" and I don't wanna see Tamy get "Tammied" again.
Well you guys are the best!
I just hope that no one ever gets Tammied or hit in any way :)
4U2NV Tamy ;)
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