Monday, July 30, 2007

Traitors Whup Nomads, Clinch Tourney's Top Seed

There's your highlight reel.

The Traitors beat the Nomads on Friday, 15-7. After the top of the 3rd inning, the score was Nomads 6, Traitors 5. But the rest of the game was all Orange, all the time.

The win, when combined with their defeat of the Sluggos later in the day, gives the undefeated Traitors (8-0) the Long Division title and the #1 seed for the tournament. The Nomads are a half-game up on the Eagles for the lead in the Division of Labor, with the top team there taking the #2 seed.

I had planned on posting a whole mess of pics and video highlights from this game, but deleting rude messages took too much time. I will not reward those who cannot win with class, and I will not allow anyone to destroy with negativity and divisiveness what we've worked hard to build. Talk to your captain, Traitors.

End of post.


From Kevin Rowlson, Captain of the Traitors:

I would like to take this time to publicly apologize to my teammates and everyone else for the comments I made. (Mude has already deleted the post.)

Sometimes I act without thinking of what the consequences will be as long as it makes me feel better at the time, and I am sorry for that. I sincerely hope that if anyone who saw the post and took any offence to it can find it in their hearts to forgive me.

SO: We'll have SlogsCenter highlights and some of Melissa Manning's excellent game pics later today some day soon. -Mude


Maher said...

The game was exciting. And honestly i didnt regret waking up at 9:00am to watch it.

The Traitors deserved to win, and they are proven they are a hell of a team.

The Nomads played a good game, and they made a couple of great plays also.

Congratz to the Traitors, Hardluck to the Nomads.

zou3bi23 said...

Its ok mude people have been taking shots at us all year and maybe we just had enough, but anyways I wished we had more recognition then just that with a full report on the teams great accomplishment but I guess it all we are going to get. Well done traitors 8 and 0 isn’t bad at all and we are in it to win it

Mude Sartawi said...

The shots you speak of have been fired at a much higher rate from your side, Zou3bi. Playing the victim while being undefeated is just ridiculous.

zou3bi23 said...

Mude I was hoping that you would put something nice about the good job we have done last week and threw out the season that’s all. we are not playing the victims and sure sometimes we fire back and maybe we went too far at times but that has nothing to do with the undefeated record that we have. I am sorry you misunderstood me and I hop u change your mind about putting what you wanted to put for the traitors before the bad incident with some of the bad mouthing in the blog by us

Unknown said...

Maher and Friends:

It was nice to see you guys out early at the park to watch a great game between two evenly matched teams.

There were things that happen during the course of a game that can seriously swing the momentum of a game. In our case it was the 4 pitch inning and the Nomads ability not to get the "big" hit with guys on base.

The Nomads made some great plays to keep themselves in the game--they are a tough team that does not roll over for anyone.

To my boys on the Nomads (you know who ya'll are) Great Game!! We hope we both meet again but each of us has to take care of business first.

To Melissa Manning thank you for being out there and taking pics of the game...I really enjoy seeing your work.

To Mude and Yvette for umping and keeping control of a pretty intense game Shukran!!!!!!!!

And to my teammates: GET SOME (for those of you who don't know what that means it means score more runs-- yeah that's it.)

To Bling Bling: I look for more "happy hours on the 3rd circle"--you guys are a blast.

And a huge thank you to all the people that make this thing work week after week.

The Big Ez said...

Who cares if Mude shows us respect or not? Who cares if people think we have a stacked team or not? who cares about recognition?

At the end of the day, we are all here to have fun and play a game we all enjoy playing... the blog is also supposed to be fun, and you guys should not take it seriously... relax, have fun, chill out... don't take things personally!!

with that said... BEATS... your in for a whooping this week. : )

Ash (In it to have fun)

Mude Sartawi said...

Wise words, Ash. But does that mean I should just delete the FOUR-MINUTE LONG SlogsCenter video of the game I'm uploading right now? It's full of Happy Traitors.

Let me know. ;)