Canardlys 20 Nomads 15 The Canardlys made the season sweep of the Nomads official and did what they had to do to clinch the Tourney's #3 seed. All they needed was for the JoSox to beat the Camels later in the day. Four wins on the season may not seem like much, but it's a Quantum Leap for the Canardlys. As for the Nomads, who were already trapped at #5, hopefully they can rally all their troops and make some serious noise in the Tourney. A full Nomads squad is as good as any team in the league. JoSox 5 Slackers 8 ASL's top two offensive teams are also the league's top two defensive teams. Both teams came in averaging over 20 runs per game on offense. Both teams hadn't allowed 10 runs to an opponent in their previous 5 games. Something had to give, and it was scoring. In such a low-scoring game, a hero had to emerge. Enter the Slackers' Rakan "Rocky" Abu Shaar. Rocky hit two inside the park homers for 5 RBI and made several web gems at shortstop. Awesome game, Rocky. You carried the Slackers on your back and willed the Orange to victory over everyone's hated rivals ... and to the top seed in the Tourney. Camels 6 JoSox 11 The Camels picked up where the Slackers left off, holding the suddenly anemic JoSox offense to just 11 runs, behind the able (and brave) pitching of Laura Alsenas. But the Humps could not overcome the stingy JoSox defense, so it's the #4 seed for the Tourney. JoSox came into the game locked in at the #2 seed. The Tournament Schedule: Friday, August 14: 8:45 AM (Opening Round) #5 Nomads @ #4 Camels 10:30 AM (Semifinal 1) #3 Canardlys @ #2 JoSox 12:15 PM (Semifinal 2) Winner of #5/#4 @ #1 Slackers 2:15 PM (Championship) Semifinals winners play each other. The higher seed is the home team. Coming up this week: Declan joins Ziggy and Schwa for a Tourney preview. A response to Jeff "Goldilocks" Sillin's MLB team comparisons. And each team's theme song.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Trophy Time Nears. Paint It Orange?
Posted by
Mude Sartawi
4:16 PM
Labels: Game Recaps, Tournament
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Awfully quiet in here. Well, y'all have had over 20 hours, so here it goes...
JoSox reserve exclusive use of the big field on Wednesday, August 12, 5-8 PM.
Canardlys would like to Reserve the big field on Tuesday 11th of Aug. 5 PM!
Thank you.
Question : It says the Post was made at 4:16 pm, However your 1st comment was made at 12:32 PM.
is there a glitch or am i missing something ?
Maher: No glitch. 4:16 PM was yesterday, Friday the 7th (look above the title of the post). The comment I left was from today, the 8th, at 12:32 PM, which is why I said it's been over 20 hours (without a comment).
Strange, Cause I checked the Slogs yesterday at night and today @ 9:30am.. And I found no new posts.
That's probably from all the vodka you drank last night, Slurpy Slur.
camels would like to reserve the big field on Monday, August 10th at 5 pm.
hahaha maher...u still painting ur butt cheeks with zaki? hahahaha =)
mude, u should talk about how the pitcher let me walk hahahaha
i negotiated my way to 1st base. now that's how it should be done.
wait correction: the UMP foo foo let me walk...hahaha =)
Mude, who's umpping the games?
Don't start rumors...Tank intentionally walked you. :)
I get enough heat as it is.
hahahahahahahaahahah i know they wanted to kill him! but i love frank!!! hahaha
Thanks frank =)
From what I've heard, shaving should precede any orange butt painting or the clean-up could be painful
haha, the Imama, haha
No problem Gator glad to have helped. Can't let it happen again though thought Jawad was going to kill me!!!
Whats with the double standards going on in the league!! I thought if you miss umping you get three outs and THIS IS NOT UP FOR VOTING...when Zalatimo missed 5 minutes of umping although Jeff was there we got the penalty even though he showed up and umped.....why should the JOSOX get different treatment when they had their umps go to warm up leaving the game????!!!! even if it was for two minutes!!!!!! same case applies here I think
might I add that when we agreed with the other team for them not to count our penalty the Comissioner said this was not up for voting and its a Comissioers call......and the penalty was moved to our game against the Slackers ..just to clarify things
We will give up 3 outs as long as all ya'll give up 6 outs for everytime ya look like an idiot arguing yer lame ass shit.
3 umps on the field and none of them could get a foul ball call correct?
How about doing something new...and NOT arguing for once. I remember when the league was fun and there was no arguing or acting like an ass.
How about the HOME team showing up and laying STRAIGHT lines AND a batters box? Or do we all have to hold hands with everything you guys do??
Learn the game or find a new hobby
Some teams would never get to bat.
And you all wanna worry about 3 outs?? How bout looking in the mirror and cleaning up your act, it's an embarassment.
P.S. This is NOT directed at any one person, but to a GROUP of people.
All but two such situations have gone to a captains' vote. So I don't know where you get the "THIS IS NOT UP FOR VOTING" line. It absolutely is up for voting and has been since the first vote.
By the way, the first vote happened when a couple of Camels were late for their Week 2 umping assignment. Remember that? The captains, who vote on EVERYTHING, voted to give you a warning.
The second vote was for the Nomads' missed assignments. The captains voted to either keep the punishment the same, or really hit the Nomads hard. Examples of hitting hard: 7 outs (one per inning); keep the 3 outs, but let the other team decide when in the game to take the outs; 3 outs for every game for the rest of the season. Since the vote ended up being 4-1 essentially for "at least 3 outs, but preferably more," we left it at 3 outs.
The next vote happened when yet another Camel was late for a game. This time, the captains voted to assess your team the penalty. Despite this, your captain talked his way out of it for the required game. The captains gave the Camels the courtesy of YET ANOTHER vote and decided to assess the penalty for your the subsequent game.
During that time, it was expressed by all the captains (myself included) that the same penalty for a full missed game and a lateness ("partial") situation seemed unfair. Keeping that in mind, I made the only unilateral decision involving this rule: I changed the schedule to make YOUR TEAM'S next game be against the Slackers, who were also being assessed 3 outs for one late ump. This made it an even and fair matchup, without the BS of a rule that hasn't worked the way we intended. I told both captains, Saif and Karim, what I was doing and why I was doing it. (Note: The Slackers were offered a vote, but their captain willingly took the penalty for that game. The other time a team could have had a vote but refused was when I, as team captain of the JoSox, willingly took the penalty for Week 7 without a vote, even though it was for a "partial" missed game during Week 6. )
The final vote happened when Jawad requested one be held for the JoSox sending two umps away for one, two, three, whatever innings it was. (It doesn't matter how long, it's still a partially missed game and therefore still subject to the rule and vote.) The captains voted NOT to assess the penalty. (I took the vote by phone because the captains, yours included, complained about all the flying emails on silly topics.)
So, to recap: The Camels received THREE separate votes, yet you somehow think a vote is not allowed. And you only complain about the voting when it's given to another team? Really? Wow. OUT OF THE FIVE VOTES THAT TOOK PLACE, YOUR TEAM GOT THREE OF THEM!
And by the way, the captains voted UNANIMOUSLY to create the 3-out rule. It was a 5-0 vote. In fact, every rule in our book was created by a captain's vote at one point or another. That's how this league is run, BY COMMITTEE OF FIVE CAPTAINS, despite what you may want to believe, or what you may have heard.
Now let me ask you this, Laith: What have you (or the others who whine and fight and stomp like toddlers all the time) done for this league? Ever water the infield before game day starts? Ever properly line a field or volunteer to organize something, anything? Ever do anything but crap on all the people who make this league happen? What have you done?
Brace yourselves, everyone. Big, big changes are coming next season -- all across the board.
He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself
does not become a monster…when you gaze too long into the abyss,
the abyss also gazes back."
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Come on guys, it's a friendly game. Stop all this bullshit!!
The purpose for all this umping is for others to take responsibility, by having more and more players who can ump. Not for players to show up, play, and then turn their backs. We're not here to penalize teams and players, the penalties were just to push teams to take it more seriously during this season.
With respect to everyone, all teams got their penalty for missing an umping assignement, without any effect on the standings or results. I am sure the rule will be worked out differently next season.
Kevin, thanks for your efforts in this league, Foo Foo please stop treating everyone as idiots, and stop these trash emails.
Mude, conflict of interest or not (If it really changes anything), I don’t see anyone else doing your job. You’ve has done a great job bringing this league together. Many thanks.
Keep it friendly guys, and don't ruin the spirit of this league.
God bless you all,
Anonymous... dude, or dudeh, whoever you are ...i love you..
i have to correct one thing though, Not all the teams suffered from the "missing umpire" rule. Yes, Team Canardlys didnt miss one single umping assignment.
I will make a full comment that talks about many issues soon..
Anonymous...Wise words.
As for a conflict of interest in my being commissioner and a captain of one of the teams:
1. I deserve to join in the fun, not just the bullshit.
2. Name one player that I've had "first pick" on. Name one decision that I made by myself as commish to benefit my team. One thing. One.
3. I don't run the league. All 5 captains do. We all make the decisions together. Unfortunately, that fact doesn't always get communicated down to the players.
4. One of you whining do-nothings step up and take the responsibility of "running" the league. All yours. You'll be crying in your mama's lap before the end of the first game. Instead, all you do is spit and fume about how your baby bottle isn't as warm as you like it.
5. Points 1-4 will no longer be relevant as of 4 PM this Friday. Like I said, big changes are coming. Just wait & see.
The vast majority of the players in ASL are cool, good peaople who just want to have fun. The few people who cause problems every damn week are the issue. That issue is about to be dealt with, once and for all. You will not ruin this league.
What should the punishment be for three people showing up, but ZERO umps? (Just kidding!) Congrats to Canardlys for the perfect season. But I would HIGHLY recommend holding off on your "issues" comment. That's just advice from a friend, and I mean that sincerely. Take it if you want.
Mude, You just beat my comment, I was about to make an announcement that I wont engage in any Debate/Fight/Argument OFF the field. I am a peaceful and I would like to stay like that. However on the field, You are all my ***** ROFLMAO!
[b] People.. group hug! [/b]
PS : JOSOX, I dare you to Hit 'em to 3rd base!!
Didn't the 980 pushups last game teach you a lesson?
I'll try to hit em to you if I get the chance. Judging from practice yesterday, "oppo" is not an issue anymore for the extreme lefty =)
See you guys out there Friday. Lets all have a blast out there and enjoy the last day of the season before we start playing with the TV remote on Friday mornings wondering WTF are we supposed to do now?!
Goooooooooooooooooooo slacker you can do ittttttttttttttttt
this year is for the big orange.
a loyal slacker fan
It wasnt me I dont have the time and dont even know how to do this but its freakin hilarious!!! check it out......
Laith: That's been on the league's Facebook page for a few days.
Maher made it through a site that lets you add any subtitles you want to the movie clip. It's an "Internet sensation," and there are thousands of versions. This one might be my favorite ;)
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